Fwd: [postgis-devel] AsSVG patch
Marco Hugentobler
marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch
Thu Apr 10 01:30:14 PDT 2008
Dear postgis developers,
As I didn't receive any feedback to the patch for AsSVG, I just repeat my
e-mail. I think the patch is quite interesting for svg power users and so it
would be good if someone could review it and it could ev. find its way to the
standard PostGIS distribution.
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
Betreff: [postgis-devel] AsSVG patch
Datum: Freitag 08 Februar 2008
Von: "Marco Hugentobler" <marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch>
An: postgis-devel at postgis.refractions.net
Dear postgis developers,
Find attached a patch that improves the svg output:
* Support of GeometryCollection geometries
* proper closing of the SVG path geometries using the SVG "z|Z" command (in
case of POLYGON|MULTIPOLYGON elements)
* introduction of additional white-spaces in some cases for easier parsing
* removal of unnecessary minus signs infront of "0" coordinates
The patch has been tested by the SVG experts Andreas Neumann, Klaus Förster
and Bruce Rindahl. It would be great if the patch could be integrated into
postgis svn. Please review the code carefully, as I'm a newbie in postgis
server programming.
The documentation of ST_AsSVG could be changed the following way:
ST_AsSVG(geometry, [rel], [precision])
Return the geometry as an SVG path data. Use 1 as second argument to have the
path data implemented in terms of relative moves, the default (or 0) uses
absolute moves. Third argument may be used to reduce the maximum number of
decimal digits used in output (defaults to 15). Point geometries will be
rendered as cx/cy when 'rel' arg is 0, x/y when 'rel' is 1. Multipoint
geometries are delimited by commas (","), GeometryCollection geometries are
delimited by semicolons (";").
Best regards,
Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Institute of Cartography
ETH Zurich
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