[postgis-devel] AsSVG patch

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Thu Apr 10 07:39:52 PDT 2008


Thanks, I'm sorry I should have e-mailed you when I applied the patch.
You'll find it's in the svn version, please check it for correctness.


On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 1:30 AM, Marco Hugentobler
<marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch> wrote:
> Dear postgis developers,
>  As I didn't receive any feedback to the patch for AsSVG, I just repeat my
>  e-mail. I think the patch is quite interesting for svg power users and so it
>  would be good if someone could review it and it could ev. find its way to the
>  standard PostGIS distribution.
>  Regards,
>  Marco
>  ----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------
>  Betreff: [postgis-devel] AsSVG patch
>  Datum: Freitag 08 Februar 2008
>  Von: "Marco Hugentobler" <marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch>
>  An: postgis-devel at postgis.refractions.net
>  Dear postgis developers,
>  Find attached a patch that improves the svg output:
>  * Support of GeometryCollection geometries
>  * proper closing of the SVG path geometries using the SVG "z|Z" command (in
>  case of POLYGON|MULTIPOLYGON elements)
>  * introduction of additional white-spaces in some cases for easier parsing
>  * removal of unnecessary minus signs infront of "0" coordinates
>  The patch has been tested by the SVG experts Andreas Neumann,  Klaus Förster
>  and Bruce Rindahl. It would be great if the patch could be integrated into
>  postgis svn. Please review the code carefully, as I'm a newbie in postgis
>  server programming.
>  The documentation of ST_AsSVG could be changed the following way:
>  ST_AsSVG(geometry, [rel], [precision])
>  Return the geometry as an SVG path data. Use 1 as second argument to have the
>  path data implemented in terms of relative moves, the default (or 0) uses
>  absolute moves. Third argument may be used to reduce the maximum number of
>  decimal digits used in output (defaults to 15). Point geometries will be
>  rendered as cx/cy when 'rel' arg is 0, x/y when 'rel' is 1. Multipoint
>  geometries are delimited by commas (","), GeometryCollection geometries are
>  delimited by semicolons (";").
>  Best regards,
>  Marco
>  --
>  Dr. Marco Hugentobler
>  Institute of Cartography
>  ETH Zurich
>  -------------------------------------------------------
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