[postgis-devel] Leaking Prepared Geometries

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Fri Aug 15 14:50:18 PDT 2008

OK, it took quite a while to set up, but I got an example leaking its
way through valgrind.  This is using geos trunk and postgis trunk,
with PREPARED_GEOM set to 1.  Here's the commandline invocation:

echo "select va.edabbr, count(*) from ed join va on
(st_contains(ed.the_geom, va.the_geom, ed.gid)) where va.edabbr =
'PRO' and va.vaabbr like '02%' group by va.edabbr" | valgrind
--leak-check=yes --log-file=valgrindlog
/usr/local/pgsql/8.3/bin/postgres --single postgis

ed is a table of complex largish polygons and va is a table of
smallish polygons. The where clause limited it to about 15 tests, so
it "only" leaked about 100Mb. At 100 or so tests, it was leaking 500Mb
and creaming the VM on which I'm running this stuff.

The valgrind output is attached.

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