[postgis-devel] Updates to GEOS & POSTGIS

Ben Jubb benjubb at refractions.net
Mon Jan 21 14:45:08 PST 2008

I wrapped the bodies of the new functions I added to lwgeom_geom_c.c 
with an #if test for the right version of the GEOS lib, along with an 
#else part that throws a 'not implemented' error.  This particular 
source file is definitely dependent on the GEOS library.  If the older 
version of GEOS is used, the 'prepared' functions will throw an error.  
I don't think this will cause a link error.

Im not sure what you are refering to as 'GEOS stubs'.


Paul Ramsey wrote:
> I'm not sure that will work, since the symbols for the new functions 
> will be missing in the older versions... might we not end up with a 
> link-time error?  The thing about the GEOS stubs is that they are 
> wrapped in a USE_GEOS define that removes the library dependency.
> P
> On Jan 21, 2008, at 1:24 PM, Ben Jubb wrote:
>> Ill implement your first suggestion, and stub the C functions for the 
>> prepared stuff, moving the version detection to the lwgeom_geos_c.c.  
>> Seems friendliest to the long suffering VS users.
>> b
>> Paul Ramsey wrote:
>>> Historically, we've left sql.in along and put in stubbed functions 
>>> in the .c files, in the case of with-GEOS versus without-GEOS.  We 
>>> could go whole hog and add GEOS version detection to ./configure.  
>>> Might make things even worse for VCC workers.
>>> As of now, having trolled the code base, there is a geos_version.sh 
>>> script which can write the version into a #define for use 
>>> elsewhere.  The only running code that works with version is the 
>>> run-time version print-out in postgis_geos_version().
>>> The most elegant thing would be to put it into ./configure, IMO, but 
>>> I'm not sure that's the most *useful* thing.
>>> P
>>> On Jan 21, 2008, at 11:45 AM, Ben Jubb wrote:
>>>> My changes won't build against the GEOS 3.0.0 branch.  use the 
>>>> trunk instead.
>>>> I'm open to suggestions as to how to get the GEOS version 
>>>> information into lwpostgis.sql.in.
>>>> cheers
>>>> b
>>>> Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 09:26 -0800, Ben Jubb wrote:
>>>>>> Mark,
>>>>>> thanks for the comments,
>>>>>> - I'll change the comment style..
>>>>>> - added the initGEOS() calls, oops..
>>>>>> - the size calculation: ill try your suggestion for getting
>>>>>> arg1_length.
>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>> I've just done a checkout of latest SVN, and unfortunately it seems
>>>>> broken against the GEOS 3.0.0 branch :(
>>>>> I managed to get around the compilation failures by removing the line
>>>>> "#define PREPARED_GEOM 0", but regression tests fail because
>>>>> lwpostgis.sql.in still references these functions, and hence it 
>>>>> fails to
>>>>> load into PostgreSQL.
>>>>> So in order to support both newer and older versions of GEOS, there
>>>>> needs to be some GEOS versioning directives around the new code in 
>>>>> both
>>>>> lwpostgis.sql.in and lwgeom_geos_c.c (rather than having to alter 
>>>>> both
>>>>> of these by hand).
>>>>> ATB,
>>>>> Mark.
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