[postgis-devel] optimized predicates
Kevin Neufeld
kneufeld at refractions.net
Thu Jul 10 11:04:09 PDT 2008
Hi folks, there seems to be a significant memory leak issue with
ST_Contains() and ST_Intersects().
I'm trying to do a simple point-in-polygon join using ~800 points and
~250000 polygons.
Running PG8.3.3, PGIS1.3.3, and GEOS="3.1.0-CAPI-1.5.0", the query
spikes up to 3GB of RAM before completing in 20seconds.
Running PG8.2.0, PGIS1.1.6, the query uses a nominal amount of memory
(indeterminable looking at top), and also runs in 20secs.
-- Kevin
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