[postgis-devel] Dropped DM (Time) dimension with intersections
Paul Ramsey
pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Tue Oct 7 10:49:45 PDT 2008
LINESTRING and POINT have clear semantics in 3D. POLYGON does not
(except for the trivial cases).
POLYGON(-1 0 -1, 0 1 1, 1 0 -1, 0 -1 1, -1 0 -1)
What is the z-value at POINT(0 0) ?
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Obe, Regina <robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov> wrote:
> Paul,
> I'm a little confused about your statement. I guess I haven't thought about
> 3D stuff all that much, but are you saying if you have varying Z of a
> polygon or line it has no meaning or ambiguous meaning?
> To me its a 2D object in 3D space and if I glue each of those faces
> together, I could get what would appear to be a volumetric thing - a
> wireframe if you will. My visualization abilities are kind of weak though
> but to me something like
> LINESTRING(1 2 3,3 4 5)
> makes sense and woud represent a line not completely horizontal relative to
> Z?
> Thanks,
> Regina
> ________________________________
> From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net on behalf of Paul Ramsey
> Sent: Tue 10/7/2008 12:59 PM
> To: PostGIS Development Discussion; PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] Dropped DM (Time) dimension with intersections
> Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a 3D polygon, except for
> trivial cases (the triangle, the shape with all Z's the same).
> Everything else is unclear on how to interpret the enclosed "plane"
> (if that is what it is) formed by an irregularly elevated boundary. So
> we can store the things, but there's really no decent way to interpret
> them in generality. For that we need the real stuff, Surfaces,
> volumes, etc.
> I think the "low hanging fruit" is probably more the "infrastructural
> requirement". We need a 4D index. That will allow us to handle things
> like 4D time tracks and point clouds efficiently, and form the
> indexing basis for future volumetric objects.
> P.
> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Obe, Regina <robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov>
> wrote:
>> I'm not sure how low hanging the fruit :), but first off would be being
>> able
>> to do intersections and indexable ST_DWithin with 3D polygons and
>> linestrings and so forth. For example when I place a cable up on a roof I
>> need to know if I'm hitting another piece of equipment.
>> Higher fruit - being able to support volumetric geometries. Right now we
>> support 2d-3D polygons and lines and you can form wireframes with those,
>> but
>> no true volumetric stuff. But then what do I know, I'm just parroting
>> things I've heard in whispers and those whispers are getting louder is all
>> :)
>> There is still the issue of being able to display 3-D geometries without
>> spending a fortune on proprietary stuff which is not a PostGIS issue, but
>> has to gain in momentum to make PostGIS 3D more powerful (e.g. uDig for 3D
>> or OpenJump for 3D or OpenLayers for 3D?)
>> Thanks,
>> Regina
>> ________________________________
>> From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net on behalf of Paul
>> Ramsey
>> Sent: Tue 10/7/2008 12:30 PM
>> To: PostGIS Development Discussion
>> Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] Dropped DM (Time) dimension with
>> intersections
>> Perhaps elabourate on what better 3D support would be? There's the
>> surface object hanging around. There's the issue of maintaining higher
>> dimensional coordinates through lower dimensional transforms (which
>> you saw the result of a few days ago). There's elabourating the
>> complete set of 3D objects and relationships (gulp).
>> It's not clear to me what is the "low hanging fruit" that will make 3D
>> users happiest in the shortest time.
>> P.
>> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 8:54 AM, Obe, Regina <robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov>
>> wrote:
>>> Margie,
>>> Unfortunately I think the answer is no. Most of the work going on in 1.4
>>> is
>>> to improve speed of existing functionality and reorganize the source to
>>> make
>>> it more maintainable.
>>> Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
>>> I for one would be very elated if we had better 3D support since CityGML
>>> and
>>> similar initiatives are becoming more of a hot topic around here.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Regina
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
>>> [mailto:postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
>>> Huntington, Margaret (US SSA)
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:47 AM
>>> To: postgis-devel at postgis.refractions.net
>>> Subject: [postgis-devel] Dropped DM (Time) dimension with intersections
>>> Hello,
>>> Currently I'm using PostGIS 1.3.3. From past discussions and from
>>> testing, both the st_intersection st_extend methods return 2D results
>>> with
>>> 4D input geometries. As a temporary work-around, I had hoped
>>> st_intersection might work with 3DM geometries. (Plan was to interpolate
>>> the altitude value within the function call if PostGIS could calculate
>>> the
>>> time dimension). I found time components are also dropped by
>>> st_intersection with 3DM geometries. I abandoned usage of 4D bounding
>>> boxes
>>> since these too effectively degrade 4D geometries down to 2D geometries
>>> (altitude and time are zeroed out).
>>> polyGeometry geometry;
>>> bbGeometry geometry;
>>> intersectionGeometry geometry;
>>> coorddims smallint;
>>> -- both polygon and linestring have an expected zmflag value
>>> of
>>> 1
>>> polyGeometry := 'SRID=4326;POLYGONM((0 0 0, 0 10 4, 10 10 4,
>>> 10
>>> 0
>>> 0, 0 0 0))'::geometry;
>>> bbGeometry := 'SRID=4326;LINESTRINGM(0 0 1.5, 10 10
>>> 2)'::geometry;
>>> intersectionGeometry := st_intersection(polyGeometry,
>>> bbGeometry);
>>> -- st_intersection method drops the time dimension; zmflag
>>> value
>>> of 0
>>> coorddims := st_zmflag(intersectionGeometry);
>>> If I were to download the subversion snapshot, the current 1.4 version,
>>> might st_intersection work with either 3DM or 4D geometries? Are
>>> bounding
>>> boxed or st_extend improved for either 3DM or 4D geometries? I had
>>> incorporated polygons only as a possible work-around to the bounding box
>>> and
>>> st_extend 2D limitations.
>>> Margie
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