[postgis-devel] SQL comment generation

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Mon Sep 22 09:23:39 PDT 2008

Great work on this Regina.  It looks good.

Were you thinking this sql would be another file a user would load into 
a postgis database in addition to lwpostgis.sql and spatial_ref_sys.sql, 
or that we would concatenate it to lwpostgis.sql.  I would love to see 
it in lwpostgis.sql, but that would mean folks would now have to build 
the documentation to get a spatially enabled database, whereas before 
they needn't bother.  Hmmmmm.

I wonder if we can do both.  Have the makefile build the docs and 
concatenate the comments during the main build process if xsltproc is 
installed, otherwise, the docs don't build and lwpostgis.sql remains as 
is.  No harm done.

-- Kevin

Obe, Regina wrote:
> Mark,
> I created a new xsl folder and committed the postgis_comments.sql.xsl I
> created to that.
> I also made some enhancements to it to include the arg names in the
> comments.  Sample generated sql file is attached and seems to work just
> fine with xsltproc.
> To test I ran the command
> xsltproc -o postgis_comments.sql xsl/postgis_comments.sql.xsl
> reference_new.xml
> Though I guess that is not exactly the best place to put it.
> In the process I discovered there is really no
> ST_BdPolyFromText(text),  ST_BdMPolyFromText(text)
> or
> ST_WktToSQL(text,srid)
> even in the 1.4
> These seem counter-intuitive to me since we have such constructs for
> ST_GeomFromText, ST_GeometryFromText.
> Anyrate if this all looks okay to you, can you integrate in the build
> and figure out where the postgis_comments.sql should go.
> As I mentioned I was eventually planning to create similar xsl files
> that will comb out aggregate, mm and 3d compatible functions and
> generate an additional toc doc .xml file from those that will then be
> processed by our docbook generation step and simply provide an index
> listing of said functions.
> Can I chain these together like that? - xsl to generate docbox xml, then
> docbook to build document?
> Thanks,
> Regina
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