[postgis-devel] Minimum number of points in a POLYGON ring?

David Fuhry dfuhry at acm.org
Mon Sep 22 09:32:00 PDT 2008

Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
> Thanks David. I have one more question: what happens if you try and 
> return the area of your open polygon above?

SQL> create table tt as select sdo_geometry(2003, null, null, 
sdo_elem_info_array(1,1003,3), sdo_ordinate_array(0,1,2)) as geom from dual;

Table created.

SQL> select sdo_geom.sdo_area(geom, 0.00005) from tt;select 
sdo_geom.sdo_area(geom, 0.00005) from tt
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-13357: extent type does not contain 2 points
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_3GL", line 1669
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_GEOM", line 1568
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_GEOM", line 1606

(The second parameter to sdo_area() is a tolerance value that's required 
by many of their functions, from some inscrutable reason.)


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