[postgis-devel] WKTRaster: RASTER and CHIP

Mark Cave-Ayland mark.cave-ayland at siriusit.co.uk
Fri Jan 16 09:31:58 PST 2009

Obe, Regina wrote:

> Playing devlis advocate to Kevin's devils advocate.
> I personally think its fine and am with Paul on this.
> 1) WKT Raster has to live somewhere and it should live in the same
> repository with PostGIS because that is the most likely place people
> will expect to find it.

This isn't necessarily the case; think pgrouting for an example of this 
type of project.

> 2) It is going to have to be back-patched at some point whether it lives
> in its own branch in PostGIS repository or someplace else in the world.
> So I consider the whole discussion about the difficulty of back-patching
> moot.

I think Paul summarised in his email what I was saying but in much fewer 
words; working in a branch is kinda okay as long as the WKTRaster 
developers don't mind constant merging from trunk/fixing things based on 
changes to the PostGIS core. Although my feeling is for the initial cut, 
it may be less work to host the project independently and do a first 
merge when it reaches a relatively stable point.



Mark Cave-Ayland
Sirius Corporation - The Open Source Experts
T: +44 870 608 0063

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