[postgis-devel] I guess some people really want a VC++ compiled PostGIS

Mateusz Loskot Mateusz.Loskot at cadcorp.com
Thu Jan 7 01:32:18 PST 2010

Paul Ramsey wrote: 
> Ideally, there would be .deb for debian and .rpm
> for rhat and pkg for solaris and dmg for mac and msi for win32... but
> man, who has that kind of time!? :)

Good point.

I'm willing to collaborate in maintenance of PostGIS build
using Visual C++, but I'm not able to take all this on my
back solely.

By the way, I think CMake [1] meta-builder could help to 
simplify maintenance by keeping PostGIS build configuration
in one place for all platforms.

[1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ut9o4OdSC0

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot
Senior Programmer, Cadcorp

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