[postgis-devel] [wktraster] Debugging with WKT Raster

Mateusz Loskot Mateusz.Loskot at cadcorp.com
Fri Mar 12 09:18:42 PST 2010

Jorge Arevalo wrote:
> I work in a GNU/Linux enviroment. WKT Raster is compiled passing
> options -g -O2 to the compiler (gcc, in my case). With these options,
> is difficult to use gdb without fighting with assembler code.
> I know, RT_API_DEBUG variable should be enough in most cases, to show
> debug messages. But may I suggest to disable -O2 option when a kind of
> debug variable is defined? I don't know if it's a good idea. And I
> don't know how this changes would affect the windows builds...

Personally, I'm fine with any changes you want/need to apply here.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot
Senior Programmer, Cadcorp

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