[postgis-devel] OSGeo Hatching

Paul Ramsey pramsey at opengeo.org
Wed Apr 27 19:26:48 PDT 2011

Super Chris. I felt that most of the issues were easy except for
provenance review. There's probably more stuff floating around than we
think, actually. At a minimum, I can guarantee we've got some license
incompatibility (BSD vs GPL) lying around, but could be other stuff as
well. I was surprised that, even after doing a GEOS review, there was
a whole chunk of non-free code hiding in there that turned up later :)
so look in every nook and cranny


On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Chris Hodgson <chodgson at refractions.net> wrote:
> PostGIS has been incubating with OSGeo for quite a while now, I've got a bit
> of time and would like to see if I can help us hatch into a full OSGeo
> Project. I see that Regina made some effort to push this forward a couple
> months ago, I don't want to step on any toes (Regina, if you're still
> working on any of these?), just help to push forward. There are already
> issues on Trac for most of these items, I'm just summarizing in the hopes
> that someone will point out if I'm missing anything.
> Based on the incubation status page:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/PostGIS_Incubation_Status
> I think our priorities are:
> 1) Ratify an RFC-1
> Somehow we still don't have this. Agree that our PSC is our PSC, and some
> description of how it functions - including the voting process (which came
> up recently). I think we can probably steal Mapserver's  RFC1 with minimal
> changes (or from GDAL or GRASS).
> 2) Ratify the Committer Responsibility Guidelines
> Regina put a draft together, we had some comments on it here:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/841
> Once we "officially" have a PSC we can finalize and officially accept this.
> Once it is accepted, I can poke all of the committers to agree to it -
> perhaps by sending an e-mail to the postgis-dev list saying so.
> 3) OSGeo Branding
> Possibly two separate aspects to this, for the web I can easily pop an OSGeo
> logo onto the PostGIS pages in a conspicuous location. For the documentation
> I'm not sure exactly the right way to include it. Also we probably want some
> mention of OSGeo in our README or other such docs. Any further comment on
> this we can maintain on the trac at:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/842
> 4) Code Provenance Review
> I believe that PostGIS has had a clear license declaration since we
> originally released it. Unless we find other copyrights or licenses
> mentioned in the code files, we should be good. This is a chance to clean up
> all the files with a standard header. I think I see a standard working it's
> way in already, I'll confirm that and we can continue discussion about
> provenance at:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/840
> I'll be updating the trac issues with my progress.
> Cheers,
> Chris
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