[postgis-devel] spatial_ref_sys ranges

dustymugs dustymugs at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 09:54:37 PST 2011

On 12/16/2011 08:44 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I'm working on making postgis_restore.pl do something sensible
> with spatial_ref_sys and would like to do some mind-picking.
> The new spatial_ref_sys has a constraint added, checking
> for srid being>  0 and<  999000. Do you think any dump could
> contain a SRID outside of that range ? If so, what could
> we do about that ?
> Also, it would be helpful to clearly define SRID ranges for
> the future. We reserve 999000..999999 for our internal use,
> and have up to 900913 taken for the google projection.
> Where should we suggest users to put their values ?
> Did we ever have a policy about that ?

Is there any reason why a user's SRID can't be below zero?  Is SRID an 
unsigned number in the typmod?

I don't remember seeing a policy in place.  My only concern is for those 
people (including me) using the PostGIS INSERT statement option from 


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