[postgis-devel] [PostGIS] #1213: [raster] RT_Intersects test fails
trac at osgeo.org
Sun Oct 2 14:11:47 PDT 2011
#1213: [raster] RT_Intersects test fails
Reporter: strk | Owner: dustymugs
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: medium | Milestone: PostGIS 2.0.0
Component: postgis raster | Version: trunk
Keywords: |
Comment(by dustymugs):
Replying to [comment:15 strk]:
> I've updated gdal to !r23167 and the new failure (on the 32bit, with
postgis r7931) is:
> {{{
> --- rt_intersects_expected 2011-10-01 13:46:55.000000000 +0200
> +++ /tmp/pgis_reg_23053/test_58_out 2011-10-02 20:54:56.000000000
> @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
> 2.6|2|21|ST_LineString|t
> 2.6|2|22|ST_LineString|t
> 2.6|2|23|ST_LineString|t
> -2.6|2|24|ST_LineString|t
> +2.6|2|24|ST_LineString|f
> 2.6|2|25|ST_LineString|t
> 2.6|2|26|ST_LineString|t
> 2.6|2|27|ST_LineString|t
> }}}
> We seem to be closer...
Can you try the following on the 32-bit machine? The query is equivalent
to the raster and geometry failing in the regression.
SELECT ST_Intersects(
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '8BUI', 1, 0
ST_MakePoint(-1.1, 1.1),
ST_MakePoint(1.1, 1.1),
ST_MakePoint(1.1, -1.1),
ST_MakePoint(-1.1, -1.1),
ST_MakePoint(-1.1, 1.1)
, 1);
The query should result in TRUE.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/1213#comment:17>
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