[postgis-devel] [PostGIS] #2122: [raster] Real extent feature lost after metadata as views

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sat Dec 1 01:18:40 PST 2012

On Dec 1, 2012 3:51 AM, "Bborie Park" <dustymugs at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> As I said in a previous mail this week: it is a misconception to
consider a raster
> >> table a raster (always regularly tiled). A raster table is more like a
> >> containing a bunch of raster (a raster coverage) with all the
unforeseeable the
> >> arrangement of these many rasters may have (unalignement, overlaps,
> >
> > Pierre, please, don't do that, again.
> > Don't assume you have the monopoly for valid use cases of PostGIS
> > You may not like it, you may think it's a stupid idea, an unacceptable
> > but, let me quote Tim Keitt from his PGRaster paper:
> >
> Seriously, I think both of you are on opposite extremes of the same
> topic.

There may be things inconvenient or considered as stupid by a project
leader. But there's no elegance in silently flashing unconvenient features
down the pipe.
Unless, a project leader will state clearly and fairly "I rule, I decide.
The last word is mine."

> The reality is that none of us will ever know how PostGIS
> raster will be used.

That's right, and we have agreed on set of features.
Don't make me fool folks and stop saying you had something different in
mind or it has never been decided. Or do make me fool but say it clearly
and openly,  we broke the consensus but we no longer care.

> > http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/postgis-devel/2007-July/002652.html
> >
> > "Blocking storage techniques, pyramid structures and data compression
> > are the three key approach to improve the performance of PostGIS
> > PGRaster in data processing and visualization."
> >
> > Blocking is a generic technique, almost equally important
> > as pyramids. We can't simply ignore it.
> >
> Reading that thread made me laugh, especially considering the tone in
> this email thread.

No idea what you mean.
If you refer to the hard facts I recall in this thread then let it be a
tone. It seems I have hit the wall of Pierre's dictatorship in this project
despite never set explicitly, so I do need a backup of facts.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
(Sent from mobile, apology for top-posting or broken quotes)
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