[postgis-devel] Vote on Merging postgis and raster installs andwhen

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Tue Jan 3 10:42:00 PST 2012

On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 08:50:55AM -0800, Chris Hodgson wrote:
> Right, if they are separate extensions, this should be
> straightforward. If they are one extension, we would be replacing
> the postgis extension with the same version of postgis extension, is
> essentially "more extended". It seems there would be no way to
> specify an update script for this case, so we might be forced to
> unload the existing postgis extension, destroying our data if we
> don't do a dump/restore.
> On the other hand, perhaps having them as two separate extensions
> would make upgrading rather complicated (or impossible without a
> dump-restore) in the case that updating the postgis extension could
> possibly break the old postgis-raster extension until the new
> postgis-raster extension. Or maybe there are ways to handle this?

The way I understand it, EXENSION is just a way to associate
a set of objects definitions with a name (the extension name).

So you'd have:

  postgis.so, postgis.sql ------> EXTENSION "postgis"
  rtpostgis.so, rtpostgis.sql --> EXTENSION "postgis_raster"
  topology.sql -----------------> EXTENSION "postgis_topology"

If we go the "monolithic" way we would need a single EXTENSION.
What would it contain ? Could you build one such extension by
excluding raster or topology ? Would version still be the same ?

Speaking of which, I guess we want separate "script" versions
in rtpostgis.sql and topology.sql, so you can find out if you
have an old "core" with a new "raster" or "topology" or the
other way around.


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