[postgis-devel] Resigning from the PSC

Chris Hodgson chodgson at refractions.net
Wed Jun 20 12:50:11 PDT 2012

PSC Members,

I am resigning my position on the PostGIS PSC. Due to a change in my 
career path, I will no longer be working full time at Refractions 
Research and as such there will be no time to continue my (presently 
minor) role in the project.

Further to this, there will be no one to maintain the Hudson build 
server here at Refractions. This server also plays a fairly significant 
role in releases and the continuous updates to the web site (svn 
snapshots, documentation, etc). I'm not sure if OSGeo can provide some 
infrastructure to support these functions, or if it would makes sense 
for some other sponsor to try replicate the Hudson setup. It took Kevin 
a while to put together the mechanism for compiling and testing all of 
the different versions of postgresql/geos/postgis/etc and it's a pretty 
solid setup if someone just knows enough to keep it going (I barely do).

Whatever alternative the project moves to, it will be easier for me to 
help with the transition if it happens before July 6th. The current 
hudson server won't cease to exist at that time, but it will be in an 
essentially unsupported, unmaintained state.

It's been fun, I wish you all the best.


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