[postgis-devel] Resigning from the PSC

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Wed Jun 20 13:09:09 PDT 2012

It was great working with you for these many years in many ways! I
hope your new direction serves you well!

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Chris Hodgson
<chodgson at refractions.net> wrote:
> PSC Members,
> I am resigning my position on the PostGIS PSC. Due to a change in my career
> path, I will no longer be working full time at Refractions Research and as
> such there will be no time to continue my (presently minor) role in the
> project.
> Further to this, there will be no one to maintain the Hudson build server
> here at Refractions. This server also plays a fairly significant role in
> releases and the continuous updates to the web site (svn snapshots,
> documentation, etc). I'm not sure if OSGeo can provide some infrastructure
> to support these functions, or if it would makes sense for some other
> sponsor to try replicate the Hudson setup. It took Kevin a while to put
> together the mechanism for compiling and testing all of the different
> versions of postgresql/geos/postgis/etc and it's a pretty solid setup if
> someone just knows enough to keep it going (I barely do).
> Whatever alternative the project moves to, it will be easier for me to help
> with the transition if it happens before July 6th. The current hudson server
> won't cease to exist at that time, but it will be in an essentially
> unsupported, unmaintained state.
> It's been fun, I wish you all the best.
> Chris
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