[postgis-devel] Raster support in 2.0.0

Chris Hodgson chodgson at refractions.net
Fri Mar 30 11:26:25 PDT 2012

Would it be possible to package a gdal-minimal package which is compiled 
with minimal support and thus would require many fewer dependencies? And 
then PostGIS would just require a package which provides GDAL-API, 
provided by either of gdal or gdal-minimal?

Of course the super-duper awesome solution would be for gdal to resolve 
it's dependencies at run-time (like apache modules) but I don't even 
really understand what it would take to do that and I doubt it is going 
to happen.

I must have missed the vote where we decided to make raster a 
requirement... that said, I wouldn't want it to NOT be in the redhat 
packaged version, simply because gdal had too many pre-reqs.


On 12-03-30 04:25 AM, Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 13:10 +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:
>> Devrim: raster is critical in that in the postgis "EXTENSION"
>> (for PostgreSQL 9.1+) there'll be no separation between core
>> and raster.
> Pff.. That raises a great barrier for PostGIS 2.0 packaging... :( Let's
> see what I can do.
> Regards,
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