[postgis-devel] New GEOS + New PostGIS + Old GDAL == Trouble

dustymugs dustymugs at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 10:43:40 PDT 2013

That makes perfect sense now!


On 06/05/2013 09:44 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Every now and then, raster regression fails for me (crashes, tests failing), for what appear to be random, un-reproduceable reasons (other people's builds at the same revision work fine). 
> I think I now know why: the common feature in all cases was updating my GEOS at some point (often-times at enough temporal distance from rebuilding my postgis that I didn't recognize it). This time I noticed though.
> Both PostGIS and GDAL link GEOS. If I updated my GEOS, and rebuilt PostGIS, raster would fail on me, until I also rebuilt GDAL. Basically it means that any minor update in GEOS requires a rebuild of both PostGIS and GDAL.
> I am hoping I've sidestepped this problem for the future by compiling GDAL --without-geos, we'll see if that works.
> Hope this helps others,
> P. 

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