[postgis-devel] Review of TWKB spec

maplabs at light42.com maplabs at light42.com
Wed Jun 19 13:08:02 PDT 2013

On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 19:00:39  0200, Even Rouault 
<even.rouault at mines-paris.org> wrote:

* I would drop the bit for endianness. Just state that the endianness 
is little endian, and let the few big endian hosts in the wild do the 
byte swapping. This will make implementation of the spec easier. 

* use the bit that has been saved above to indicate if the geometries 
have an id or not. There are certainly use cases where we don't need 
the id, or where it is transported by other means. 

dbb> in the interest of simple (read bug free) implemenation, is it 
really worth a bit to turn on and off the presence of the geometry ID ? 

Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter

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