[postgis-devel] Any chance we'll be releasing GEOS 3.4.0 before PostGIS 2.1 comes out

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Wed Jun 26 21:07:50 PDT 2013

Pretty please.

That's the other reason I'm not that much of a rush to push out a 2.0.4
because I'd have to ship 3.3.8 which would corrupt windows installs that
have both PostGIS 2.0 and PostGIS 2.1 if they installed 2.1 before 2.0.4
update. And it seems pretty stupid to me to ship a 2.1 without 3.4 since
everyone has been testing with 3.4.

I'd like to ship both with the same GEOS so I don't have to worry about this
dependency mess.


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