[postgis-devel] PAGC Address Standardizer some thoughts on howtoorganize
Paragon Corporation
lr at pcorp.us
Tue Aug 5 21:03:31 PDT 2014
>>>> 1) Create folder in extensions of our repo and move the
>>> address_standardizer extension files to their I'd still like it to
>>> be able to be built separately if people wish (similar to how we
>>> have liblwgeom I think) and my only reservation with breaking out
>>> like this is that it makes it less compact.
> I would defer to strk on this, but can we use a symlink to get the
> file to appear in two places under svn?
> Let's stay away from symlinks - they don't behave well under windows. I
think for now we'll Just leave the extension files wher they are and decide
what to do later.
> Perhaps just copy the control files as part of our extension make scripts.
> I was the one who started the extension folder primarily because when I
was formulating the extension install Process, it was easier not to affect
the rest of the code base while I was fleshing things out.
> That said the only issue is the documentation auto comments generation
that I would like address_standardizer to Have similar to the other
extensions we have. As well as the versioning plumming that all postgis
extensions share.
> Let's see how things go keeping things where they are unless someone has a
> better idea.
Just an update on this thread. In working thru the logistics of folding in
address_standardizer into our configure scripts, I've decided to just move
all of address_standardizer code into the extensions folder and out of
So instead of it being in
It will be ONLY be in
The reason for this is after I was fiddling with the make file to make it
use the same machinery as the rest of our code base and our extension
versioning there was really nothing left in the makefile.
This avoids the whole whether to copy stuff to extensions or symlink.
Also in PostGIS 2.2, we no longer support PostgreSQL 9.0. That said, there
is no reason why anyone should be installing address_standardizer without
Let me know if anyone has objection to this before I move forward with this
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