[postgis-devel] Postgis Raster JPEG 2000 (openjpeg)

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 05:56:04 PST 2014

maybe the postgres list would have some advice about the classical problem
of dealing with images in base ?


2014-02-20 14:45 GMT+01:00 Nathaniel Clay <clay.nathaniel at gmail.com>:

> Remi,
> JPEG 2000 offers several formats, one being JP2C or code stream. This
> format breaks down the file (intended for streaming across the wire)
> internally into tiles with markers then inside the tile markers packets
> containing the data for the specified tile. My initial thought is to store
> each of the tile packet streams in a row that is indexed in a table with in
> row separation of the packets for each of the resolutions (this appears to
> be able to be done with out an decode or encode for reassembly). Thus Union
> and simple Clip (with out trimming) operations would be copy and modify the
> header information operation back into a valid JP2C code stream to be sent
> directly to the client or consuming function/application for decode. JPEG
> 2000 is a large specification with many subparts, I am in the process of
> preparing two emails one to the list answering Bories' questions (more
> general and format neutral) , and another with more specifics of my idea
> for JPEG 2000, internal database format storage.  I am taking the time to
> confirm the specifics as related to the JPEG 2000 specification and
> postgresql.
> Thanks,
> Nathaniel Hunter Clay
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