[postgis-devel] Pstgis raster ST_SetValues crashes server, or is it GDAL?

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 10:50:24 PDT 2014

Hey List,
I encountered another annoying problem :
I can reproduce it 100%, but I failed to produce an isolated test case.

Problem occurs when using the ST_SetValues function to populate a freshly
created raster band. It works the first time, then crashes the server (see
stack, log only says : segfault)

Strange point is : It is a plpgsql I wrote wrapping st_setvalues that
crashes, and the same code doesn't crash outside a plpgsql function.

Somebody would have any idea about that?


#0  0xb7216424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb6b811df in raise () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#2  0xb6b84825 in abort () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#3  0x7355279f in CPLEmergencyError (pszMessage=0x73993800
"CPLGetTLSList(): pthread_setspecific() failed!") at cpl_error.cpp:314
#4  0x7355f8e6 in CPLGetTLSList () at cpl_multiproc.cpp:1582
#5  CPLGetTLSList () at cpl_multiproc.cpp:1563
#6  0x73560358 in CPLGetTLS (nIndex=5) at cpl_multiproc.cpp:1598
#7  0x735527b6 in CPLEmergencyError (pszMessage=0x73993800
"CPLGetTLSList(): pthread_setspecific() failed!") at cpl_error.cpp:298
#8  0x7355f8e6 in CPLGetTLSList () at cpl_multiproc.cpp:1582
#9  CPLGetTLSList () at cpl_multiproc.cpp:1563
#10 0x73560358 in CPLGetTLS (nIndex=14) at cpl_multiproc.cpp:1598
#11 0x7354fa62 in CPLGetConfigOption (pszKey=0x73992681
"GDAL_DISABLE_CPLLOCALEC", pszDefault=0x739bb70d "NO") at cpl_conv.cpp:1552
#12 0x73550f58 in CPLLocaleC::CPLLocaleC (this=0xbfbdddcc) at
#13 0x73513542 in GDALDriver::Create (this=0xb9227790,
pszFilename=0x73c33f2a "", nXSize=2, nYSize=2, nBands=0, eType=GDT_Byte,
papszOptions=0x0) at gdaldriver.cpp:128
#14 0x7351412f in GDALCreate (hDriver=0xb9227790, pszFilename=0x73c33f2a
"", nXSize=2, nYSize=2, nBands=0, eBandType=GDT_Byte, papszOptions=0x0) at
#15 0x73c05d04 in rt_raster_gdal_rasterize (wkb=0xb916a858 "\001\001",
wkb_len=21, srs=0x0, num_bands=0, pixtype=0x0, init=0x0, value=0x0,
nodata=0x0, hasnodata=0x0, width=0x0,
    height=0x0, scale_x=0xbfbde068, scale_y=0xbfbde088, ul_xw=0x0,
ul_yw=0x0, grid_xw=0xbfbde060, grid_yw=0xbfbde078, skew_x=0xbfbde070,
skew_y=0xbfbde080, options=0x0)
    at rt_api.c:11313
#16 0x73bd37e8 in RASTER_setPixelValuesGeomval (fcinfo=0xb9295644) at
#17 0xb73f3f90 in ?? ()
#18 0x73c85dd7 in ?? () from /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/plpgsql.so
#19 0x73c89be9 in ?? () from /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/plpgsql.so
#20 0x73c8b708 in ?? () from /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/plpgsql.so
#21 0x73c8c371 in plpgsql_exec_function () from
#22 0x73c80334 in plpgsql_call_handler () from
#23 0xb73f3f90 in ?? ()
#24 0xb73f8919 in ExecProject ()
#25 0xb73f8cec in ExecScan ()
#26 0xb740c45f in ExecCteScan ()
#27 0xb73f10b0 in ExecProcNode ()
#28 0xb73edfbe in standard_ExecutorRun ()
#29 0xb73ee07d in ExecutorRun ()
#30 0xb74e8013 in ?? ()
#31 0xb74e949e in PortalRun ()
#32 0xb74e5242 in PostgresMain ()
#33 0xb7298be8 in ?? ()
#34 0xb7499058 in PostmasterMain ()
#35 0xb7299bb9 in main ()
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