[postgis-devel] liblwgeom symbols exported by postgis module

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Oct 1 11:42:12 PDT 2015

On 01-10-15 20:24, Paragon Corporation wrote:
> On 01-10-15 19:03, Paragon Corporation wrote:
>>> If I understand you would this not be  possible on Debian. - I was 
>>>  unclear if 2.1.9 would be considered < 2.2.0
>> Why would 2.1.9 not be considered less than 2.2.0?
>> The assumption that 2.1.9 >= 2.2.0 makes no sense.
> Okay so you see my concern here?
> It's like allowing PostgreSQL 9.4.2 to overtake PostgreSQL 9.3.9. 

And that makes total sense too. My brain hurts from trying to think of
a suitable versioning scheme where 9.4.2 does not supersede 9.3.9.

> 9.4.2 is missing security fixes that 9.3.9 has.

Therefore 9.4.3 or which ever 9.4.x version does include the security
fixes should be made available ASAP. Would you want to revert back from
9.4.x to 9.3.x just for the security fixes? Those should be made
available in 9.4.x too, anything else doesn't make sense.

> Much of the security fixes we do are in liblwgeom with the understanding
> that it goes with a particular minor release of PostGIS.

I presume you don't exclude your latest version lineage for getting
fixed, and only fix the older lineages? If you do, you have bigger
problems that this SONAME discussion.

This discussion is giving me the impression that we're wasting a lot of
time with hypothetical cases with no basis in reality. I have spent too
much time on this thread already for sure without making any progress.

I'm done, do what ever suits your needs best. The distributions will
modify postgis to suit theirs if needed.

Kind Regards,


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