[postgis-devel] Creation of standard set of geometries for testing? Interested?

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Tue Oct 20 17:19:08 PDT 2015

I like the idea though I'm not sure we can use it that easily in our regular tests.

1. In the garden tests I have I have a set of geometries hard-coded, but did actually want to move these out to a file for easier testing and since I plan to do that anyway, might be just as easy for me to pull it from a csv from some other repo.

2. Hadn't really thought of our tests licensing.  Technically they are all GPL like the rest of our code base, but it seems silly to me not to have those public domain.
Though I'm not sure what kind of headache we'd have changing the license on those.


-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-devel [mailto:postgis-devel-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Nyall Dawson
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 7:57 PM
To: postgis-devel at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [postgis-devel] Creation of standard set of geometries for testing? Interested?

Hi PostGIS crew,

I've been looking at building up QGIS' library of unit tests against its geometry engine, and as part of this I need a whole collection of reference geometries along with their expected area/length/perimeter/num geometries/num rings/num nodes/etc...

I initially started by copying a lot of geometries from regress/measures.sql, regress/regress.sql and regress/tickets.sql than added a bunch of geometries from existing QGIS tests plus some missing geometry types to build up this list:


Now, I'm thinking this might be a good sub-project which we could share (possibly other projects like GEOS and turf may also be interested). I'd definitely find it useful to have one master set full of a large variety of possible geometries and the expected values for these, which could be built up over time to cover more and more corner cases/oddities.

So my questions are:
1. Would PostGIS devs find this useful? Are you interested in being involved with this?
2. Would there be any licensing issue with using the geometry from the PostGIS tests in a public-domain reference data set? (I'm thinking public domain would be the best license for this dataset)

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