[postgis-devel] Splitting core and raster extensions, an update

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Tue Oct 31 09:23:11 PDT 2017

This mail to report that the state of core/raster extensions
separation is now passing the upgrade tests. It works as follows:

 - Upgrading from pre-split PostGIS extension leaves you with
   an unpackaged PostGIS Raster, raising a WARNING and providing
   an HINT to the caller about creating raster from unpackaged.

 - The postgis_full_version() function will report (UPPERCASE) when
   core is installed as an extension and raster (or topology) are not
   (this is already the case in trunk).

 - The CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster FROM unpackaged will both
   upgrade raster and turn it into an extension.

If you want to test it you can fetch the code from either gitlab.com:
or OSGeo's Gogs: https://gitlab.com/postgis/postgis/merge_requests/6

A possible next step could be to try at removing raster completely
upon upgrade, and only resort to unpackage it when removing it is
not possible w/out loss of user data.


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