[postgis-devel] PostGIS 2.5.0beta1 is released
Regina Obe
lr at pcorp.us
Mon Jul 9 14:00:27 PDT 2018
> well it doesn't sound like we are anywhere near a release then.....
[Regina Obe]
Yee of little faith.
Steps to release:
1) Tire the PSC and PostGIS development team down to agree on 3.0 (or Regina
buries her head in the sand for a while admitting defeat and then grudgingly
agrees to a gasp 2.6 release, a pointless release in her mind just dragging
on the inevitable)
If no decision within the next day or 2, Regina will create a 3.0 milestone
and assume 3.0 is the next until otherwise voted.
2) Push all tickets that aren't serious bugs to 3.0 (or possibly 2.6 :( :(
:( ) milestone
3) Fix remaining issues that seem serious enough and fixable in 2.5
4) RC1 (probably in about 2 weeks), but we want no tickets open for 2.5
before RC1 comes out.
Perhaps another RC2 a week after
5) Profit 2.5.0 gold comes out in a month or month and a half time.
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