[postgis-devel] Why do we still install liblwgeom includes

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Nov 28 07:32:14 PST 2018

On 2018-11-28 08:26, Regina Obe wrote:
>> Our current build setup statically links liblwgeom into postgis-*.so,
>> rtpostgis-
>> *.so But some packages -- pointing my finger strongly at Debian folks,
>> don't
>> like this and hack their configure scripts to prevent this.
>> https://sources.debian.org/patches/postgis/2.5.1+dfsg-1/link-liblwgeom/
>> https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/3290

FTR, I don't know why the Debian package patches postgis to dynamically 
link liblwgeom.

The patch was added by Stephen Frost in 2012 and merged by Markus Wanner 
in 2013 before I got involved.

It may be to reduce duplication for the PGDG packages where all the 
binary packages for the various PostgreSQL versions will just link 
liblwgeom instead of having their own copy compiled in.

Since the library is not meant to be used by other projects, I don't 
object to removing the liblwgeom packages and drop the link-lwgeom patch 
(and update qgis to not recommend liblwgeom-dev).

A good time to make those changes is when the package is updated for 3.0 

Kind Regards,


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