[postgis-devel] Why do we still install liblwgeom includes

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Thu Nov 29 10:48:57 PST 2018

> > The problem of multiple libraries at runtime is actually showing up
> > more when liblwgeom is linked _statically_ instead of dynamically,
> > because a PostgreSQL process loading multiple PostGIS libraries
> > (postgis, rtpostgis or postgis_topology) may end up having multiple
> > _different_ versions of the same liblwgeom symbols.
> >
> > Linking _dymamically_ to the library would actually _reduce_ that
> > problem, and I'm happy with going in that direction.
> Interesting point - I had not thought of that specifically.
[Regina Obe] 

I thought we fixed that issue by hiding the symbols so they can't see each other.

Showing up more?  How so the issue you describe I haven't seen since 2.2.

That was when I think we changed to stop exposing private symbols.

I happily run rtpostgis / postgis fine statically linked.

I would think you'd have problems anyway if you have an rtpostgis-2.5 and postgis-2.4 installed in the same postgresql install.
Dynamically linking is not going to help that situation as you'll still have incompatible symbols loaded because each will hook to a different liblwgeom.

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