[postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Drop the minor in the postgis lib files

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Thu Sep 27 07:44:40 PDT 2018

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 10:29:29AM -0400, Paul Ramsey wrote:

> Correct. We (our packagers) have some packaging issues that make it
> hard for people to actually put that situation into action (I believe
> on debian the issue is a collision in liblwgeom which doesn’t support
> multiple installed versions at once, and on rhat just some poor choices
> in terms of depends/supercedes declarations) but if you can in fact have
> a target with the right versions in place things just Work.

I'd love to hear more about this from packagers.
What prevents them to ship at the same time a combination
of packages like what I see in the output of my command:

# apt-cache search postgis-2.4 | grep -v scripts
postgresql-10-postgis-2.4 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 10
postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.4 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 9.3
postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.4 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 9.4
postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.4 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 9.5
postgresql-9.6-postgis-2.4 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 9.6

NOTE: the above come from http://apt.postgresql.org


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