[postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Drop the minor in the postgis lib files

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Thu Sep 27 07:29:29 PDT 2018

> On Sep 27, 2018, at 9:52 AM, Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 09:35:46AM -0400, Regina Obe wrote:
>> The create extension step would fail since we always add new functions to new releases (if it were testing against the older version).
>> Only case it would pass is if we are testing 3.0  and we are on 3.1
> So you're saying that installing an _old_ postgis (say: 3.0)
> would break existing 3.1 database, is that right ? And we're
> opening up this risk (currently NOT existing) to make it
> possible to upgrade PostGIS _during_ a PostgreSQL upgrade
> done using pg_upgrade, is this correct ?
> In other words, we currently have NO problem with pg_upgrade
> as long as the _same_ PostGIS Major.Minor version installed
> in the current cluster is available for the target cluster
> version (ie: a packaging issue, to me)

Correct. We (our packagers) have some packaging issues that make it hard for people to actually put that situation into action (I believe on debian the issue is a collision in liblwgeom which doesn’t support multiple installed versions at once, and on rhat just some poor choices in terms of depends/supercedes declarations) but if you can in fact have a target with the right versions in place things just Work.

> Just to have a clear description of why we're moving in that
> direction, and be informed enough when taking a decision.
> --strk;
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