[postgis-devel] Postgis 3.1 minimum requirements update

Christoph Berg myon at debian.org
Mon Nov 11 10:54:57 PST 2019

Re: Regina Obe 2019-11-11 <000001d598a4$911f1710$b35d4530$@pcorp.us>
> I like the idea of making 9.6 the minimum because then all versions we support will support the PARALLEL code clause and one less version of PostgreSQL to keep testing.

> There is CREATE EXTENSION CASCADE .. but that doesn't affect us too much since that doesn't support ALTER EXTENSION

I'd also recommend desupporting the non-extension installation method
since 9.0 is long out of support.

Most of the support requests around PostGIS we get at the company
revolve around users having trouble upgrading non-extension
installations. Why is that still a thing?


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