[postgis-devel] Move PostGIS development upstream to git/github.

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 03:36:11 PDT 2019

right... mostly depend on how much energy are involved in check
feasibility, that in this moment seems almost "suspended" by the fact that
the move to github solved most of main problem introduced by  using
If it's widley desired or not that's a discussion we had for two years and
fortunately jorgue found resources to ublock the first step (move away from
readmine). We are now in a second phase... not sure how much time it will

to Darafei, gitlab is used as mirror as step to measure feasibility... but
there are many (not all) that are interested to move away from a
proprietary infrastructure.

Luigi Pirelli

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* Book: Mastering QGIS3 - 3rd Edition
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On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 10:58, Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>

> On jeudi 24 octobre 2019 10:37:12 CEST Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> > Hi Darafei,
> >  just a note, QGIS moved to github from redmine as a preliminary step
> > before moving to GitLab... Oslandia is looking for the way to move all
> > history, links, users and so one to gitlab without loosing user
> experience
> > and project management.
> I don't think there is general agreement in the QGIS community that GitLab
> is
> necessarily the final step. Quoting Nyall in
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues/
> 141#issuecomment-471365273 ,
> "Then, as a future piece of work it will be investigated whether a move
> from
> github to gitlab is both feasible and widely desired"
> Even
> --
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> http://www.spatialys.com
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