[postgis-devel] Function Removal

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Wed Dec 16 12:12:11 PST 2020

> On Dec 16, 2020, at 12:10 PM, Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us> wrote:
>>  postgis=# select st_asewkt(ST_MakePoint(1.2, 2.33));
>>  ERROR:  function st_makepoint(double precision, double precision) is not
>> unique
>>  HINT:  Could not choose a best candidate function. You might need to add
>> explicit type casts.
>> Yeah, it could be either my new one or the two-parameter form of the old
>> one.
>> The obvious fix would be to remove the old signatures at the same time as
>> adding the new one, but as I recall this leads to upgrade issues? This is
> where
>> my memory is failing. I know (a) a single signature with defaults and
>> argument names is nicer and cleaner and also (b) every time I've done it
>> there's been some kind of an outcry / mess.
>> Any help, thoughts?
>> P
> This is for 3.2 (master) right, you aren't attempting this after we called
> RC1 right?

Yes, this is the joy of having an open master. Let your creativity run free.

> The solution (though it may have changed with strk's voodoo) is, you add the
> drop statement in
> postgis_before_upgrade.sql

OK, have done that. Will see what nasty things happen.


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