[postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Github move from travis-ci.org to travis-ci.com - big mess now sorry

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Fri Nov 27 08:55:38 PST 2020


> On Nov 26, 2020, at 5:00 AM, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
> On 2020-11-25 8:55 p.m., Phillip Ross wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I wanted to follow-up on this discussion to say that recent pricing
>> changes and such have rendered the travis .org/.com stuff moot, as the
>> whole offering is no longer free as it once was.
> A short update: yesterday Travis released a new announcement (https://blog.travis-ci.com/oss-announcement) of "Open source accounts, as always, will be completely free under travis-ci.com"

> our recent changes have brought the abuse of open source at Travis CI under control

That statement is baloney, and Travis has been sliding toward this thing since Idera bought them almost two years ago. The pricing structure and limits make it untenable for a significant open source project like PostGIS, GDAL, or PROJ to operate effectively on Travis without paying a lot more money than previously. That's their choice to make, and open source projects always operated there with the understanding we were guests. Unfortunately they also tossed off projects that were paying with their price increase. PROJ and GDAL got a price quote that was ~3x for the same level of service it was previously paying. 

> We’re also partnering with leaders in the open source world like AWS, IBM and Arm 

Leaders in the open source world are organizations that *make* and release open source software. The track record of their partners in that regard are rather suspect.

On to the next one. For now that's Github Actions.

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