[postgis-devel] ST_Reverse issues
Sandro Santilli
strk at kbt.io
Thu Jun 24 07:59:18 PDT 2021
On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 04:53:14PM +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I'm facing dragons with this query:
> WITH inp AS (
> SELECT 'LINESTRING(0 0,10 0,5 5,0 0)'::geometry g
> SELECT 'LINESTRING(-1.8 -6,-1.8 -7,-1.2 -7,-1.2 -6,-1.8
> -6)'::geometry
> )
> -- We expect both fields being true
> ST_AsText(g) straight,
> ST_AsText(ST_Reverse(g)) reverse,
> ST_IsPolygonCW(ST_MakePolygon(ST_Normalize(g))) cw,
> ST_IsPolygonCW(ST_MakePolygon(ST_Normalize(ST_Reverse(g)))) cw_when_reverted
> FROM inp;
> The result I'm getting:
> -[ RECORD 1 ]----+----------------------------------------------------
> straight | LINESTRING(0 0,10 0,5 5,0 0)
> reverse | LINESTRING(0 0,5 5,10 0,0 0)
> cw | t
> cw_when_reverted | t
> -[ RECORD 2 ]----+----------------------------------------------------
> straight | LINESTRING(-1.8 -6,-1.8 -7,-1.2 -7,-1.2 -6,-1.8 -6)
> reverse | LINESTRING(-1.8 -6,-1.2 -6,-1.2 -7,-1.8 -7,-1.8 -6)
> cw | f
> cw_when_reverted | f
> Note how "cw" and "cw_when_reverted" have the same value.
Sorry, I just realized I'm calling ST_Normalize after ST_Reverse
so it is expected that we get the same orientation, what is
unexpected is that ST_Normalize turns the ring into a Clockwise
ring in the first case and in a Counterclockwise
ring in the second case. Should a closed linestring be normalized
to be in a specific winding order or not ? The documentation isn't
clear on the matter, but I think there are differences there between
postgis (or GEOS) versions.
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