[postgis-devel] [SoC] Introduction and PostGIS-GSoC Project Information

Imre Samu pella.samu at gmail.com
Tue May 25 00:14:34 PDT 2021

Hi Han,

Thank you for working on this topic!  :)

> Feel free to give me suggestions or ask me anything! I

my question:
- in the research paper ( "2018" - mentioned in your proposal ) -
"partitioning" mentioned multiple times ..
  Do you have any plan - for adding spatial partitioning to the test


As I know  - in the OpenStreetMap word - the current
clustering/"pre-sorting method":  is the GeoHash based sorting:
Maybe you can borrow some ideas for your benchmark. :)


Han Wang <hanwgeek at gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2021. máj. 25., K, 4:19):

> Hi all,
> My name is Han WANG. I am a first year graduate student majoring in GIS at
> Peking University, and will get my Master's degree in 2023. And this is my
> github(https://github.com/HanwGeek) and my linkedin(
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/hanwgeek/). I am interested in all
> cool things. And it is very exciting to join the open source community! My
> research interest includes massive spatial temporal data management and
> analysis. Currently, I am working on a machine learning project based on
> big trajectory data, which is stored in PostgreSQL database and managed by
> PostGIS.
> My project title is to *implement a pre-sorting method for PostGIS data
> types before building GiST* *index. *Some previous research about
> building GiST indexes in PostGreSQL has been proved that data pre-sorting
> method will reduce the time of building an index. And the new feature will
> be added in PostGreSQL 14. So it is necessary to apply this new feature to
> some basic geometry data type. And my initial proposal is here(
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_mY_F2hPDk3vmXH5PPp2z9BuQWt-ZMORk6KxtdVQ3HY/edit?usp=sharing
> ).
> I am excited to make a contribution to the open source community. Feel
> free to give me suggestions or ask me anything! I am looking forward to
> hearing from you all!
> Best regards,
> Han
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