[postgis-devel] Plan release PostGIS 3.4.0 this weekend

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Fri Aug 11 16:49:19 PDT 2023

I successfully upgraded a db from earlier postgis, via 'postgis
upgrade', in that I didn't get an error.  I will test it with qgis once
I have rebuilt it (which is not about postgis, but a qwt upgrade).

I did find that the (new?) bin/postgis:

  lacks a man page (I don't get any from build/install and don't see
  that I disabled them, but I am not passing --mandir either)

  is confusing, at least to me:

    $ postgis --help
    Unrecognized command: --help
    Usage: /usr/pkg/bin/postgis <command> [<args>]
      help               print this message and exits
      enable <database>  enable PostGIS in given database
      upgrade <database> upgrade PostGIS in given database
      status <database>  print PostGIS status in given database
      install-extension-upgrades [--pg_sharedir <dir>] [--extension <name>] [<from>...]
                    Ensure files required to upgrade PostGIS from
                    the given version are installed on the system.
                    The <from> arguments may be either version numbers
                    or PostgreSQL share directories to scan to find available

enable/upgrade/status are all straightforward.

But install-extension-upgrades: I can't figure out that that means,
given that these files are installed by the default build.  So where do
they get installed *to*?  And if they aren't installed already, I don't
know where they come from, because at runtime, the source is no longer
available.  Finally, I don't know if "ensure" means "make it so" or
"print an error if it isn't so".  If this means "get these files from
this one place which may or may not count as installed and put them in
this other place", that could be clearer.  But really the entire concept
is boggling.

postgis_restore's help does not seem to use the new 'postgis' command.
Which points out that the new command doesn't seem to work with

I admit to not having paid attention lately.   So me not understanding
may be my fault, but it may also be helpful to see how someone not on
the inside perceives things.

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