Postgres OIDs and box2d, box2df, box3d, and gidx: differences and usage?

Tom Payne twpayne at
Fri Jun 7 12:20:46 PDT 2024

Thank you very much Paul for the fast and complete reply!

Thanks also for the pointer to
I'd missed that and it's really helpful to understand PostGIS's internals.

I'm aware that the OIDs are dynamic, but thanks for the reminder! I look
them up after establishing the DB connection:

Are there any plans to add binary representations of box2d and box3d? The
background story is that uses
Postgres's binary protocol when possible for performance, so I suspect/fear
that if a query includes a box2d or box3d then jackc/pgx will have to
switch to the lower-performance text-based protocol. In practice, this is
unlikely to be a real problem, but I'm curious :)

Thanks again, and best regards,

On Fri, 7 Jun 2024 at 20:36, Paul Ramsey <pramsey at> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 1:49 AM Tom Payne <twpayne at> wrote:
> > obstacledb=# SELECT typname, oid FROM pg_type WHERE typname IN ('box2d',
> 'box2df', 'box3d', 'gidx');
> >  typname |   oid
> > ---------+---------
> >  box3d   | 5248539
> >  box2d   | 5248543
> >  box2df  | 5248547
> >  gidx    | 5248551
> > (4 rows)
> Oh, and you probably already know this, but just for completeness: the
> Oid numbers of the PostGIS types will VARY between databases, because
> they are assigned at run-time by the PostgreSQL server. So the Oid you
> have for geometry will not be the same as the one I have.
> ATB,
> P
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