[postgis-tickets] [PostGIS] #2254: Add SFCGAL support

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Sun May 5 16:56:28 PDT 2013

#2254: Add SFCGAL support
 Reporter:  colivier      |       Owner:  colivier     
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new          
 Priority:  medium        |   Milestone:  PostGIS 2.1.0
Component:  postgis       |     Version:  trunk        
 Keywords:  CGAL, SFCGAL  |  

Comment(by robe):

 It would be better if it was more like json where if you don't specify
 json-dir it doesn't build with it if it can't find it or its not
 specified.  Probably best to discuss this on the list because I can see
 going both ways and not saying I'm right.  The other issue is what if
 people want to build with different versions of sfcgal in future (liek
 they have both 2.1 and 2.2 and don't want them pointing at same scfcgal)
 etc.  How are they going to do that? So you will need a flag to specify
 the directory at some point anyway. Might as well have that NOW.

 The reasons I would prefer it not be done that way at least for 2.1 is:

 1) It's gonna break the buildbots so requires me patching them before I
 can even commit this patch and I have to make the configure different for
 2.0 than it is for 2.1
 2) raster we decided would be part of core postgis extension so it was a
 crippling change to encourage it. and we discussed it long and hard and it
 may have been the wrong decision to make it part of core extension.

 3) Raster was tested for a long time before we reached beta so people were
 prepared for the configure change

 We can discuss switching the configure to without-sfcgal in 2.2, but for
 2.1, I really don't want people to have to change what they do in
 configure steps unless they want the new features and the features are
 more thoroughly tested by a larger crowd.

 Besides I can see once pramsey introduces his point cloud thing, we may
 have a lot of


 So just to get a basic install people are going to have to do nothing but
 write WITHOUT everywhere.  topology admittedly was a special case, because
 I really thought it was stupid we allow 2.0 to be compiled with anything
 less than GEOS 3.3 given how much stuff is disabled :).

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2254#comment:16>
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