[postgis-tickets] [PostGIS] #2417: pgsql2shp doesnt see SRID

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Sun Sep 22 14:26:06 PDT 2013

#2417: pgsql2shp doesnt see SRID
  Reporter:  darkblueb      |       Owner:  pramsey        
      Type:  defect         |      Status:  reopened       
  Priority:  medium         |   Milestone:  PostGIS 2.1.1  
 Component:  documentation  |     Version:  2.0.x          
Resolution:                 |    Keywords:  srid, pgsql2shp
Changes (by robe):

  * milestone:  PostGIS Future => PostGIS 2.1.1


 How about this
 CREATE TABLE new_table AS
   pkey, ST_Transform( geom, 4326)::geometry(POINT,4326) As geom

 Does it in one step and registers correctly.

 You could also just pass an sql statement and avoid the whole create table
 step as I noted already.  If you used an SQL statement it would register
 right because it wouldn't find any answer in geometry_columns so as I
 stated before this should work just fine.

 pgsql2shp -f test_shapefile.shp "SELECT * from ne3_test" shp_test

 If you can put together a documentation patch to save me the trouble of
 explaining this that would be really swell.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2417#comment:8>
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