[postgis-tickets] [PostGIS] #3009: ST_Area(the_geom, false) and other geography functions may change column value

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Wed Dec 17 07:15:33 PST 2014

#3009: ST_Area(the_geom, false) and other geography functions may change column
 Reporter:  fursten  |       Owner:  pramsey      
     Type:  defect   |      Status:  new          
 Priority:  blocker  |   Milestone:  PostGIS 2.1.5
Component:  postgis  |     Version:  2.1.x        
 Keywords:           |  

Comment(by robe):

 okay yap its at our caster watch this:

 {{{DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_weird;
 CREATE TABLE test_weird AS SELECT 'MULTIPOLYGON(((-8.62650874577284
 115.346832275391,-8.58441599597068 115.309066772461,-8.68013625652618
 115.214309692383,-8.72629051135205 115.198516845703,-8.76225972524743
 115.307693481445,-8.64348030291466 115.343399047852,-8.62650874577284
 115.346832275391)))'::geometry  As areas;

 SELECT ST_AsText(areas)
 FROM test_weird;

 -- outputs --
 MULTIPOLYGON(((-8.62650874577284 115.346832275391,-8.58441599597068
 115.309066772461,-8.68013625652618 115.214309692383,-8.72629051135205
 115.198516845703,-8.76225972524743 115.307693481445,-8.64348030291466
 115.343399047852,-8.62650874577284 115.346832275391)))

 -- now for the eh magic --
 SELECT areas::geography
 from test_weird;

 -- followed by --
 SELECT ST_Astext(areas)
 from test_weird;

 -- yikes
 MULTIPOLYGON(((-8.62650874577284 64.653167724609,-8.58441599597068
 64.690933227539,-8.68013625652618 64.785690307617,-8.72629051135205
 64.801483154297,-8.76225972524743 64.692306518555,-8.64348030291466
 64.656600952148,-8.62650874577284 64.653167724609)))


Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/3009#comment:7>
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