[postgis-tickets] [PostGIS] #2543: invalid join selectivity error from simple query

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Mon Jun 1 06:18:58 PDT 2015

#2543: invalid join selectivity error from simple query
  Reporter:  paulfriedman  |      Owner:  pramsey
      Type:  defect        |     Status:  reopened
  Priority:  high          |  Milestone:  PostGIS 2.1.6
 Component:  postgis       |    Version:  2.1.x
Resolution:                |   Keywords:

Comment (by remic):

 Hit again,
 this time witha  very simple query,
 very few data :
 FROM bdtopo_topological.face AS f
         , bdtopo_topological.node AS n
 WHERE face_id = 0
         AND ST_Intersects(n.geom , f.mbr ) = TRUE

 I get
 "ERROR: invalid join selectivity: 157865408.000000"
 , same error for explain, explain analyse, and simple execution.

 Tables are classical topological tables.

 2630    NULL    POINT Z (2016.43602159963 20546.3348600308 0)

 bdtopo_topological.face :
 0       NULL

 bdtopo_topological.edge_data :
 890     2630    2630    -890    890     890     890     0       0
 LINESTRING Z (2016.43602159963 20546.3348600308 0,1807.01948292597
 20559.4718857428 0,1641.08811201422 20509.5039160932 0,1569.43592912051
 20433.1377737986 0,1658.05836585747 20356.771631504 0,1841.90278249264
 20298.3185349328 0,2018.20486408638 20319.0599562968 0,2064.40166621521
 20385.0553879094 0,2059.68770681431 20486.8769109689 0,2016.43712931104
 20546.3317239128 0)

 Everything is vacuum analyzed.
 Select Postgis_full_version();
 --POSTGIS="2.2.0dev r12846" GEOS="3.5.0dev-CAPI-1.9.0 r0" PROJ="Rel.
 4.8.0, 6 March 2012" GDAL="GDAL 2.0.0dev, released 2014/04/16"

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2543#comment:20>
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