[postgis-tickets] r15140 - Document populate_topology_layer

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Sun Sep 25 02:19:01 PDT 2016

Author: robe
Date: 2016-09-25 02:19:00 -0700 (Sun, 25 Sep 2016)
New Revision: 15140

Document populate_topology_layer
closes #3462

Modified: trunk/doc/extras_topology.xml
--- trunk/doc/extras_topology.xml	2016-09-25 07:32:12 UTC (rev 15139)
+++ trunk/doc/extras_topology.xml	2016-09-25 09:19:00 UTC (rev 15140)
@@ -412,7 +412,74 @@
 				<para><xref linkend="AddTopoGeometryColumn"/></para>
+		<refentry id="Populate_Topology_Layer">
+			<refnamediv>
+				<refname>Populate_Topology_Layer</refname>
+				<refpurpose>Adds missing entries to topology.layer table by reading metadata from topo tables.</refpurpose>
+			</refnamediv>
+			<refsynopsisdiv>
+				<funcsynopsis>
+					<funcprototype>
+					<funcdef>setof record <function>Populate_Topology_Layer</function></funcdef>
+					<paramdef></paramdef>
+					</funcprototype>
+				</funcsynopsis>
+			</refsynopsisdiv>
+			<refsection>
+                <title>Description</title>
+                <para>Adds missing entries to the <varname>topology.layer</varname> table by inspecting topology constraints on tables.
+                This function is useful for fixing up entries in topology catalog after restores of schemas with topo data.</para>
+                <para>It returns the list of entries created. Returned columns are <varname>schema_name</varname>, <varname>table_name</varname>, <varname>feature_column</varname>.</para>
+                <!-- use this format if new function -->
+                <para>Availability: 2.3.0</para>
+			</refsection>
+			<refsection>
+				<title>Examples</title>
+				<programlisting>SELECT CreateTopology('strk_topo');
+CREATE TABLE strk.parcels(gid serial, parcel_id varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, address text);
+SELECT topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn('strk_topo', 'strk', 'parcels', 'topo', 'POLYGON');
+-- this will return no records because this feature is already registered
+  FROM topology.Populate_Topology_Layer(); 
+-- let's rebuild
+TRUNCATE TABLE topology.layer;
+  FROM topology.Populate_Topology_Layer(); 
+SELECT topology_id,layer_id, schema_name As sn, table_name As tn, feature_column As fc
+FROM topology.layer;
+				</programlisting>
+				<screen> schema_name | table_name | feature_column
+ strk        | parcels    | topo
+(1 row)
+ topology_id | layer_id |  sn  |   tn    |  fc
+           2 |        2 | strk | parcels | topo
+(1 row)</screen>
+			</refsection>
+			<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
+			<refsection>
+				<title>See Also</title>
+				<para><xref linkend="AddTopoGeometryColumn"/></para>
+			</refsection>
+		</refentry>
 		<refentry id="TopologySummary">

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