[postgis-tickets] r15570 - remove obsolete file the functions in this file are included in tiger_loader_2016.sql already

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Tue Aug 22 20:55:55 PDT 2017

Author: robe
Date: 2017-08-22 20:55:54 -0700 (Tue, 22 Aug 2017)
New Revision: 15570

remove obsolete file the functions in this file are included in tiger_loader_2016.sql already

Deleted: trunk/extras/tiger_geocoder/census_loader.sql
--- trunk/extras/tiger_geocoder/census_loader.sql	2017-08-22 23:13:38 UTC (rev 15569)
+++ trunk/extras/tiger_geocoder/census_loader.sql	2017-08-23 03:55:54 UTC (rev 15570)
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
--- PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
--- http://postgis.net
--- Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Regina Obe and Leo Hsu
--- Paragon Corporation
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
--- Author: Regina Obe and Leo Hsu <lr at pcorp.us>
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
---SET search_path TO tiger,public;
-SELECT tiger.SetSearchPathForInstall('tiger');
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_census_base_tables()
-DECLARE var_temp text;
-var_temp := tiger.SetSearchPathForInstall('tiger');
-IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'tiger' AND column_name = 'tract_id' AND table_name = 'tract')  THEN
-	-- census block group/tracts parent tables not created yet or an older version -- drop old if not in use, create new structure
-	DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tiger.tract;
-	(
-	  gid serial NOT NULL,
-	  statefp varchar(2),
-	  countyfp varchar(3),
-	  tractce varchar(6),
-	  tract_id varchar(11) PRIMARY KEY,
-	  name varchar(7),
-	  namelsad varchar(20),
-	  mtfcc varchar(5),
-	  funcstat varchar(1),
-	  aland double precision,
-	  awater double precision,
-	  intptlat varchar(11),
-	  intptlon varchar(12),
-	  the_geom geometry,
-	  CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geom CHECK (st_ndims(the_geom) = 2),
-	  CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_geom CHECK (geometrytype(the_geom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text OR the_geom IS NULL),
-	  CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_geom CHECK (st_srid(the_geom) = 4269)
-	);
-	DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tiger.tabblock;
-	CREATE TABLE tabblock
-	(
-	  gid serial NOT NULL,
-	  statefp varchar(2),
-	  countyfp varchar(3),
-	  tractce varchar(6),
-	  blockce varchar(4),
-	  tabblock_id varchar(16) PRIMARY KEY,
-	  name varchar(20),
-	  mtfcc varchar(5),
-	  ur varchar(1),
-	  uace varchar(5),
-	  funcstat varchar(1),
-	  aland double precision,
-	  awater double precision,
-	  intptlat varchar(11),
-	  intptlon varchar(12),
-	  the_geom geometry,
-	  CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geom CHECK (st_ndims(the_geom) = 2),
-	  CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_geom CHECK (geometrytype(the_geom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text OR the_geom IS NULL),
-	  CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_geom CHECK (st_srid(the_geom) = 4269)
-	);
-	(
-	  gid serial NOT NULL,
-	  statefp varchar(2),
-	  countyfp varchar(3),
-	  tractce varchar(6),
-	  blkgrpce varchar(1),
-	  bg_id varchar(12) PRIMARY KEY,
-	  namelsad varchar(13),
-	  mtfcc varchar(5),
-	  funcstat varchar(1),
-	  aland double precision,
-	  awater double precision,
-	  intptlat varchar(11),
-	  intptlon varchar(12),
-	  the_geom geometry,
-	  CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geom CHECK (st_ndims(the_geom) = 2),
-	  CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_geom CHECK (geometrytype(the_geom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text OR the_geom IS NULL),
-	  CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_geom CHECK (st_srid(the_geom) = 4269)
-	);
-	COMMENT ON TABLE tiger.bg IS 'block groups';
-IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'tiger' AND column_name = 'tabblock_id' AND table_name = 'tabblock' AND character_maximum_length < 16)  THEN -- size of name and tabblock_id fields need to be increased
-    ALTER TABLE tiger.tabblock ALTER COLUMN name TYPE varchar(20);
-    ALTER TABLE tiger.tabblock ALTER COLUMN tabblock_id TYPE varchar(16);
-    RAISE NOTICE 'Size of tabblock_id and name are being incrreased';
-RETURN 'Tables already present';
-language 'plpgsql';
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS loader_generate_census(text[], text);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION loader_generate_census_script(param_states text[], os text)
-SELECT create_census_base_tables();
-	loader_macro_replace(
-		replace(
-			loader_macro_replace(declare_sect
-				, ARRAY['staging_fold', 'state_fold','website_root', 'psql', 'state_abbrev', 'data_schema', 'staging_schema', 'state_fips'],
-				ARRAY[variables.staging_fold, s.state_fold, variables.website_root, platform.psql, s.state_abbrev, variables.data_schema, variables.staging_schema, s.state_fips::text]
-			), '/', platform.path_sep) || '
-' ||
-	-- State level files - if an override website is specified we use that instead of variable one
-	array_to_string( ARRAY(SELECT 'cd ' || replace(variables.staging_fold,'/', platform.path_sep) || '
-' || platform.wget || ' ' || COALESCE(lu.website_root_override,variables.website_root || '/' || upper(table_name)  ) || '/*_' || s.state_fips || '* --no-parent --relative --recursive --level=2 --accept=zip --mirror --reject=html
-|| 'cd ' ||  replace(variables.staging_fold,'/', platform.path_sep) || '/' || replace(replace(COALESCE(lu.website_root_override,variables.website_root || '/' || upper(table_name) ), 'http://', ''),'ftp://','')    || '
-' || replace(platform.unzip_command, '*.zip', 'tl_*_' || s.state_fips || '*_' || table_name || '.zip ') || '
-' ||loader_macro_replace(COALESCE(lu.pre_load_process || E'\n', '') || platform.loader || ' -' ||  lu.insert_mode || ' -s 4269 -g the_geom '
-		|| CASE WHEN lu.single_geom_mode THEN ' -S ' ELSE ' ' END::text || ' -W "latin1" tl_' || variables.tiger_year || '_' || s.state_fips
-	|| '_' || lu.table_name || '.dbf tiger_staging.' || lower(s.state_abbrev) || '_' || lu.table_name || ' | '::text || platform.psql
-		|| COALESCE(E'\n' ||
-			lu.post_load_process , '') , ARRAY['loader','table_name', 'lookup_name'], ARRAY[platform.loader, lu.table_name, lu.lookup_name ])
-				FROM loader_lookuptables AS lu
-				WHERE level_state = true AND load = true AND lookup_name IN('tract','bg','tabblock')
-				ORDER BY process_order, lookup_name), E'\n') ::text
-	-- County Level files
-	|| E'\n' ||
-		array_to_string( ARRAY(SELECT 'cd ' || replace(variables.staging_fold,'/', platform.path_sep) || '
-' || platform.wget || ' ' || COALESCE(lu.website_root_override,variables.website_root || '/' || upper(table_name)  ) || '/*_' || s.state_fips || '* --no-parent --relative --recursive --level=2 --accept=zip --mirror --reject=html
-|| 'cd ' ||  replace(variables.staging_fold,'/', platform.path_sep) || '/' || replace(replace(COALESCE(lu.website_root_override,variables.website_root || '/' || upper(table_name)  || '/'), 'http://', ''),'ftp://','')  || '
-' || replace(platform.unzip_command, '*.zip', 'tl_*_' || s.state_fips || '*_' || table_name || '.zip ') || '
-' || loader_macro_replace(COALESCE(lu.pre_load_process || E'\n', '') || COALESCE(county_process_command || E'\n','')
-				|| COALESCE(E'\n' ||lu.post_load_process , '') , ARRAY['loader','table_name','lookup_name'], ARRAY[platform.loader  || CASE WHEN lu.single_geom_mode THEN ' -S' ELSE ' ' END::text, lu.table_name, lu.lookup_name ])
-				FROM loader_lookuptables AS lu
-				WHERE level_county = true AND load = true AND lookup_name IN('tract','bg','tabblock')
-				ORDER BY process_order, lookup_name), E'\n') ::text
-	, ARRAY['psql', 'data_schema','staging_schema', 'staging_fold', 'state_fold', 'website_root', 'state_abbrev','state_fips'],
-	ARRAY[platform.psql,  variables.data_schema, variables.staging_schema, variables.staging_fold, s.state_fold,variables.website_root, s.state_abbrev, s.state_fips::text])
-			AS shell_code
-FROM loader_variables As variables
-		CROSS JOIN (SELECT name As state, abbrev As state_abbrev, lpad(st_code::text,2,'0') As state_fips,
-			 lpad(st_code::text,2,'0') || '_'
-	|| replace(name, ' ', '_') As state_fold
-FROM state_lookup) As s CROSS JOIN loader_platform As platform
-WHERE $1 @> ARRAY[state_abbrev::text]      -- If state is contained in list of states input generate script for it
-AND platform.os = $2  -- generate script for selected platform
---update with census tract loading logic
-DELETE FROM loader_lookuptables WHERE lookup_name IN('tract','tabblock','bg');
-INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
-VALUES(10, 'tract', 'tract', true, false, true,false, 'c',
-'${psql} -c "CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}(CONSTRAINT pk_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} PRIMARY KEY (tract_id) ) INHERITS(tiger.${lookup_name}); " ',
-	'${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${staging_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} RENAME geoid TO tract_id;  SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower(''${state_abbrev}_${table_name}''), lower(''${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}'')); "
-	${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX ${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}_the_geom_gist ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} USING gist(the_geom);"
-	${psql} -c "VACUUM ANALYZE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name};"
-	${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} ADD CONSTRAINT chk_statefp CHECK (statefp = ''${state_fips}'');"', ARRAY['gid']);
-INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
-VALUES(11, 'tabblock', 'tabblock', true, false, true,false, 'c',
-'${psql} -c "CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}(CONSTRAINT pk_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} PRIMARY KEY (tabblock_id)) INHERITS(tiger.${lookup_name});" ',
-'${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${staging_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} RENAME geoid TO tabblock_id;  SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower(''${state_abbrev}_${table_name}''), lower(''${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}''), ''{gid, statefp10, countyfp10, tractce10, blockce10,suffix1ce,blockce,tractce}''::text[]); "
-${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} ADD CONSTRAINT chk_statefp CHECK (statefp = ''${state_fips}'');"
-${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX ${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}_the_geom_gist ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} USING gist(the_geom);"
-${psql} -c "vacuum analyze ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name};"', ARRAY['gid']);
-INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
-VALUES(12, 'bg', 'bg', true,false, true,false, 'c',
-'${psql} -c "CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}(CONSTRAINT pk_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} PRIMARY KEY (bg_id)) INHERITS(tiger.${lookup_name});" ',
-'${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${staging_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} RENAME geoid TO bg_id;  SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower(''${state_abbrev}_${table_name}''), lower(''${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}'')); "
-${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} ADD CONSTRAINT chk_statefp CHECK (statefp = ''${state_fips}'');"
-${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX ${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}_the_geom_gist ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} USING gist(the_geom);"
-${psql} -c "vacuum analyze ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name};"', ARRAY['gid']);
-SELECT create_census_base_tables();

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