[postgis-tickets] [PostGIS] #4183: Invalid output of ST_ClipByBox2D with an invalid polygon
trac at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 21 06:47:46 PDT 2018
#4183: Invalid output of ST_ClipByBox2D with an invalid polygon
Reporter: Algunenano | Owner: Algunenano
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: medium | Milestone: PostGIS GEOS
Component: postgis | Version: trunk
Resolution: | Keywords:
Comment (by Algunenano):
I've been going deeper into this issue and ended up reviewing the code in
Geos that does the clipping.
Here is the geometry that exemplifies this issue:

If you take the order used by the orange arrow (right hand order) then
when the clipping happens you'll get the correct part of the geometry; on
the other hand, if you get the green arrow (left hand order) you will get
the opposite (the whole box minus that part of the geometry). The issue
comes from the fact that this geometry is invalid so the part of the
geometry getting clipped is in the wrong winding order (left hand).
I've been thinking about how to fix it and the way I've come up with is to
get the points where the geometries cross and check whether the
intermediate point (or the corner of the box if the points are in
different sides of the box) is inside the geometry or not.
Doing this involves a Point in Polygon check which is not fast, and
forcing this check for all geometries (even the ones that are valid) would
mean a big hit in performance in a function whose main purpose is to be a
fast and dirty alternative to `St_Intersection` when the second geometry
is a box.
With this in mind, I've decided to explore an alternative solution: check
if the resulting geometry's bbox is inside the bbox of the geometry (as it
should normally) and, if not, try to fix the geometry and relaunch again.
This should have a negligible impact in performance for the most common
case (valid input) and fix this issue.
My main concern is whether to do this only for `St_AsMVTGeom` or in
`lwgeom_clip_by_rect` itself If done only in St_AsMVTGeom we could,
instead of fixing the geometry, just drop it (as done by Mapnik); and if
done in `lwgeom_clip_by_rect` it would help everyone relying on that
function (`St_SnaptoGrid`) with the caveat of hiding geometry changes to
the user, which is something that was discussed during 2.5 and postponed
to 3.0.
I'm open to ideas, but I think that for now (and backporting to 2.4 and
2.5) I'd take the easy way out (drop that geometry in St_AsMVTGeom) and,
whenever some decision is taken as to how to handle invalid geometries
inside Postgis, adapt St_AsMVTGeom (or `lwgeom_clip_by_rect`) do follow
that behaviour.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/4183#comment:4>
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