[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch master updated. 3.1.0alpha3-27-g2193689
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Sun Dec 6 15:01:59 PST 2020
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The branch, master has been updated
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 219368993d12c21a14555df16ec2814b4a2daedd
Author: Martin Davis <mtnclimb at gmail.com>
Date: Sun Dec 6 15:01:53 2020 -0800
Move Doc Ref functions to better sections
diff --git a/doc/reference_editor.xml b/doc/reference_editor.xml
index ddb0de9..671235b 100644
--- a/doc/reference_editor.xml
+++ b/doc/reference_editor.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sect1 id="Geometry_Editors">
+ <sect1info>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>These functions create modified geometries by changing type, structure or vertices.
+ </para>
+ </abstract>
+ </sect1info>
<title>Geometry Editors</title>
<refentry id="ST_AddPoint">
@@ -194,6 +201,203 @@ MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1), (2 2, 3 3))
+ <refentry id="ST_CurveToLine">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>ST_CurveToLine</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Converts a geometry containing curves to a linear geometry.</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <funcsynopsis>
+ <funcprototype>
+ <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_CurveToLine</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef><type>geometry</type> <parameter>curveGeom</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef><type>float</type> <parameter>tolerance</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer</type> <parameter>tolerance_type</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer</type> <parameter>flags</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcprototype>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>Converts a CIRCULAR STRING to regular LINESTRING or CURVEPOLYGON to POLYGON or MULTISURFACE to MULTIPOLYGON. Useful for outputting to devices that can't support CIRCULARSTRING geometry types</para>
+ <para>Converts a given geometry to a linear geometry.
+ Each curved geometry or segment is converted into a linear
+approximation using the given `tolerance` and options (32 segments per
+quadrant and no options by default).</para>
+ <para>
+The 'tolerance_type' argument determines interpretation of the
+`tolerance` argument. It can take the following values:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>0 (default): Tolerance is max segments per quadrant.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>1: Tolerance is max-deviation of line from curve, in source units.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>2: Tolerance is max-angle, in radians, between generating radii.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The 'flags' argument is a bitfield. 0 by default.
+Supported bits are:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>1: Symmetric (orientation idependent) output.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>2: Retain angle, avoids reducing angles (segment lengths) when producing symmetric output. Has no effect when Symmetric flag is off.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>Availability: 1.3.0</para>
+ <para>Enhanced: 2.4.0 added support for max-deviation and max-angle tolerance, and for symmetric output.</para>
+ <para>Enhanced: 3.0.0 implemented a minimum number of segments per linearized arc to prevent topological collapse.</para>
+ <para>&sfs_compliant;</para>
+ <para>&sqlmm_compliant; SQL-MM 3: 7.1.7</para>
+ <para>&Z_support;</para>
+ <para>&curve_support;</para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting>SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CurveToLine(ST_GeomFromText('CIRCULARSTRING(220268 150415,220227 150505,220227 150406)')));
+--Result --
+ LINESTRING(220268 150415,220269.95064912 150416.539364228,220271.823415575 150418.17258804,220273.613787707 150419.895736857,
+ 220275.317452352 150421.704659462,220276.930305234 150423.594998003,220278.448460847 150425.562198489,
+ 220279.868261823 150427.60152176,220281.186287736 150429.708054909,220282.399363347 150431.876723113,
+ 220283.50456625 150434.10230186,220284.499233914 150436.379429536,220285.380970099 150438.702620341,220286.147650624 150441.066277505,
+ 220286.797428488 150443.464706771,220287.328738321 150445.892130112,220287.740300149 150448.342699654,
+ 220288.031122486 150450.810511759,220288.200504713 150453.289621251,220288.248038775 150455.77405574,
+ 220288.173610157 150458.257830005,220287.977398166 150460.734960415,220287.659875492 150463.199479347,
+ 220287.221807076 150465.64544956,220286.664248262 150468.066978495,220285.988542259 150470.458232479,220285.196316903 150472.81345077,
+ 220284.289480732 150475.126959442,220283.270218395 150477.39318505,220282.140985384 150479.606668057,
+ 220280.90450212 150481.762075989,220279.5637474 150483.85421628,220278.12195122 150485.87804878,
+ 220276.582586992 150487.828697901,220274.949363179 150489.701464356,220273.226214362 150491.491836488,
+ 220271.417291757 150493.195501133,220269.526953216 150494.808354014,220267.559752731 150496.326509628,
+ 220265.520429459 150497.746310603,220263.41389631 150499.064336517,220261.245228106 150500.277412127,
+ 220259.019649359 150501.38261503,220256.742521683 150502.377282695,220254.419330878 150503.259018879,
+ 220252.055673714 150504.025699404,220249.657244448 150504.675477269,220247.229821107 150505.206787101,
+ 220244.779251566 150505.61834893,220242.311439461 150505.909171266,220239.832329968 150506.078553494,
+ 220237.347895479 150506.126087555,220234.864121215 150506.051658938,220232.386990804 150505.855446946,
+ 220229.922471872 150505.537924272,220227.47650166 150505.099855856,220225.054972724 150504.542297043,
+ 220222.663718741 150503.86659104,220220.308500449 150503.074365683,
+ 220217.994991777 150502.167529512,220215.72876617 150501.148267175,
+ 220213.515283163 150500.019034164,220211.35987523 150498.7825509,
+ 220209.267734939 150497.441796181,220207.243902439 150496,
+ 220205.293253319 150494.460635772,220203.420486864 150492.82741196,220201.630114732 150491.104263143,
+ 220199.926450087 150489.295340538,220198.313597205 150487.405001997,220196.795441592 150485.437801511,
+ 220195.375640616 150483.39847824,220194.057614703 150481.291945091,220192.844539092 150479.123276887,220191.739336189 150476.89769814,
+ 220190.744668525 150474.620570464,220189.86293234 150472.297379659,220189.096251815 150469.933722495,
+ 220188.446473951 150467.535293229,220187.915164118 150465.107869888,220187.50360229 150462.657300346,
+ 220187.212779953 150460.189488241,220187.043397726 150457.710378749,220186.995863664 150455.22594426,
+ 220187.070292282 150452.742169995,220187.266504273 150450.265039585,220187.584026947 150447.800520653,
+ 220188.022095363 150445.35455044,220188.579654177 150442.933021505,220189.25536018 150440.541767521,
+ 220190.047585536 150438.18654923,220190.954421707 150435.873040558,220191.973684044 150433.60681495,
+ 220193.102917055 150431.393331943,220194.339400319 150429.237924011,220195.680155039 150427.14578372,220197.12195122 150425.12195122,
+ 220198.661315447 150423.171302099,220200.29453926 150421.298535644,220202.017688077 150419.508163512,220203.826610682 150417.804498867,
+ 220205.716949223 150416.191645986,220207.684149708 150414.673490372,220209.72347298 150413.253689397,220211.830006129 150411.935663483,
+ 220213.998674333 150410.722587873,220216.22425308 150409.61738497,220218.501380756 150408.622717305,220220.824571561 150407.740981121,
+ 220223.188228725 150406.974300596,220225.586657991 150406.324522731,220227 150406)
+--3d example
+SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_CurveToLine(ST_GeomFromEWKT('CIRCULARSTRING(220268 150415 1,220227 150505 2,220227 150406 3)')));
+ LINESTRING(220268 150415 1,220269.95064912 150416.539364228 1.0181172856673,
+ 220271.823415575 150418.17258804 1.03623457133459,220273.613787707 150419.895736857 1.05435185700189,....AD INFINITUM ....
+ 220225.586657991 150406.324522731 1.32611114201132,220227 150406 3)
+--use only 2 segments to approximate quarter circle
+SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CurveToLine(ST_GeomFromText('CIRCULARSTRING(220268 150415,220227 150505,220227 150406)'),2));
+ LINESTRING(220268 150415,220287.740300149 150448.342699654,220278.12195122 150485.87804878,
+ 220244.779251566 150505.61834893,220207.243902439 150496,220187.50360229 150462.657300346,
+ 220197.12195122 150425.12195122,220227 150406)
+-- Ensure approximated line is no further than 20 units away from
+-- original curve, and make the result direction-neutral
+SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CurveToLine(
+ 'CIRCULARSTRING(0 0,100 -100,200 0)'::geometry,
+ 20, -- Tolerance
+ 1, -- Above is max distance between curve and line
+ 1 -- Symmetric flag
+ LINESTRING(0 0,50 -86.6025403784438,150 -86.6025403784439,200 -1.1331077795296e-13,200 0)
+ </programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para><xref linkend="ST_LineToCurve" /></para>
+ </refsection>
+ </refentry>
+ <refentry id="ST_FlipCoordinates">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>ST_FlipCoordinates</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Returns a version of a geometry with X and Y axis flipped. </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <funcsynopsis>
+ <funcprototype>
+ <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_FlipCoordinates</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef><type>geometry</type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcprototype>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>Returns a version of the given geometry with X and Y axis flipped.
+ Useful for fixing geometries which contain coordinates expressed as latitude/longitude (Y,X).</para>
+ <para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
+ <para>&curve_support;</para>
+ <para>&Z_support;</para>
+ <para>&M_support;</para>
+ <para>&P_support;</para>
+ <para>&T_support;</para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Example</title>
+ <programlisting><![CDATA[
+SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_FlipCoordinates(GeomFromEWKT('POINT(1 2)')));
+ st_asewkt
+POINT(2 1)
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para> <xref linkend="ST_SwapOrdinates" /> </para>
+ </refsection>
+ </refentry>
<refentry id="ST_Force2D">
@@ -881,6 +1085,75 @@ LINESTRING Z (-30 -29.7 5,-29 -27 11,-30 -29.7 10,-36 -31 5,-45 -33 1,-46 -32 11
+ <refentry id="ST_LineToCurve">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>ST_LineToCurve</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Converts a linear geometry to a curved geometry.</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <funcsynopsis>
+ <funcprototype>
+ <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_LineToCurve</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geomANoncircular</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcprototype>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>Converts plain LINESTRING/POLYGON to CIRCULAR STRINGs and Curved Polygons. Note much fewer points are needed to describe the curved equivalent.</para>
+ <note><para>If the input LINESTRING/POLYGON is not curved enough to clearly represent a curve, the function will return the same input geometry.</para></note>
+ <para>Availability: 1.3.0</para>
+ <para>&Z_support;</para>
+ <para>&curve_support;</para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting> -- 2D Example
+SELECT ST_AsText(ST_LineToCurve(foo.the_geom)) As curvedastext,ST_AsText(foo.the_geom) As non_curvedastext
+ FROM (SELECT ST_Buffer('POINT(1 3)'::geometry, 3) As the_geom) As foo;
+curvedatext non_curvedastext
+CURVEPOLYGON(CIRCULARSTRING(4 3,3.12132034355964 0.878679656440359, | POLYGON((4 3,3.94235584120969 2.41472903395162,3.77163859753386 1.85194970290473,
+1 0,-1.12132034355965 5.12132034355963,4 3)) | 3.49440883690764 1.33328930094119,3.12132034355964 0.878679656440359,
+ | 2.66671069905881 0.505591163092366,2.14805029709527 0.228361402466141,
+ | 1.58527096604839 0.0576441587903094,1 0,
+ | 0.414729033951621 0.0576441587903077,-0.148050297095264 0.228361402466137,
+ | -0.666710699058802 0.505591163092361,-1.12132034355964 0.878679656440353,
+ | -1.49440883690763 1.33328930094119,-1.77163859753386 1.85194970290472
+ | --ETC-- ,3.94235584120969 3.58527096604839,4 3))
+--3D example
+SELECT ST_AsText(ST_LineToCurve(geom)) As curved, ST_AsText(geom) AS not_curved
+FROM (SELECT ST_Translate(ST_Force3D(ST_Boundary(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,3), 2,2))),0,0,3) AS geom) AS foo;
+ curved | not_curved
+ CIRCULARSTRING Z (3 3 3,-1 2.99999999999999 3,3 3 3) | LINESTRING Z (3 3 3,2.4142135623731 1.58578643762691 3,1 1 3,
+ | -0.414213562373092 1.5857864376269 3,-1 2.99999999999999 3,
+ | -0.414213562373101 4.41421356237309 3,
+ | 0.999999999999991 5 3,2.41421356237309 4.4142135623731 3,3 3 3)
+(1 row)
+ </refsection>
+ <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para><xref linkend="ST_CurveToLine" /></para>
+ </refsection>
+ </refentry>
<refentry id="ST_Multi">
@@ -1200,6 +1473,45 @@ UPDATE sometable
+ <refentry id="ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Returns a version of the given geometry with
+ duplicated points removed.</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <funcsynopsis>
+ <funcprototype>
+ <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef><type>geometry</type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef choice="opt"><type>float8</type> <parameter>tolerance</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcprototype>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>Returns a version of the given geometry with
+ duplicated points removed. Will actually do something only with
+ (multi)lines, (multi)polygons and multipoints but you can safely call it with
+ any kind of geometry. Since simplification occurs on a
+ object-by-object basis you can also feed a GeometryCollection to
+ this function.</para>
+ <para>If the tolerance parameter is provided, vertices within the tolerance
+ of one another will be considered the "same" for the purposes of removal.</para>
+ <para>Availability: 2.2.0</para>
+ <para>&P_support;</para>
+ <para>&Z_support;</para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para><xref linkend="ST_Simplify" /></para>
+ </refsection>
+ </refentry>
<refentry id="ST_Reverse">
@@ -1366,6 +1678,134 @@ LINESTRING(0 0,1 1,0 0,3 3,4 4)
+ <refentry id="ST_Shift_Longitude">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>ST_ShiftLongitude</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Shifts a geometry with geographic coordinates between -180..180 and 0..360.</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <funcsynopsis>
+ <funcprototype>
+ <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_ShiftLongitude</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geomA</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcprototype>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>Reads every point/vertex in a geometry, and if the longitude coordinate is <0, adds 360
+ to it. The result is a 0-360 version of the data to be
+ plotted in a 180 centric map</para>
+ <note><para>This is only useful for data with coordinates in
+ longitude/latitude; e.g. SRID 4326 (WGS 84 geographic)</para></note>
+ <warning>
+ <para>Pre-1.3.4 bug prevented this from working for MULTIPOINT. 1.3.4+ works with MULTIPOINT as well.</para>
+ </warning>
+ <para>&Z_support;</para>
+ <para>Enhanced: 2.0.0 support for Polyhedral surfaces and TIN was introduced.</para>
+ <para>NOTE: this function was renamed from "ST_Shift_Longitude" in 2.2.0</para>
+ <para>&P_support;</para>
+ <para>&T_support;</para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting>--3d points
+SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_ShiftLongitude(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(-118.58 38.38 10)'))) As geomA,
+ ST_AsEWKT(ST_ShiftLongitude(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(241.42 38.38 10)'))) As geomb
+geomA geomB
+---------- -----------
+SRID=4326;POINT(241.42 38.38 10) SRID=4326;POINT(-118.58 38.38 10)
+--regular line string
+SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ShiftLongitude(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(-118.58 38.38, -118.20 38.45)')))
+LINESTRING(241.42 38.38,241.8 38.45)
+ </programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para>
+ <xref linkend="ST_WrapX" />
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ </refentry>
+ <refentry id="ST_WrapX">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>ST_WrapX</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Wrap a geometry around an X value.</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <funcsynopsis>
+ <funcprototype>
+ <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_WrapX</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>wrap</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>move</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcprototype>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+This function splits the input geometries and then moves every resulting
+component falling on the right (for negative 'move') or on the left (for
+positive 'move') of given 'wrap' line in the direction specified by the
+'move' parameter, finally re-unioning the pieces togheter.
+ </para>
+ <note><para>
+This is useful to "recenter" long-lat input to have features
+of interest not spawned from one side to the other.
+ </para></note>
+ <para>Availability: 2.3.0 requires GEOS</para>
+ <para>&Z_support;</para>
+<!-- TODO: check these
+ <para>&P_support;</para>
+ <para>&T_support;</para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting>
+-- Move all components of the given geometries whose bounding box
+-- falls completely on the left of x=0 to +360
+select ST_WrapX(the_geom, 0, 360);
+-- Move all components of the given geometries whose bounding box
+-- falls completely on the left of x=-30 to +360
+select ST_WrapX(the_geom, -30, 360);
+ </programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para><xref linkend="ST_Shift_Longitude" /></para>
+ </refsection>
+ </refentry>
<refentry id="ST_SnapToGrid">
diff --git a/doc/reference_processing.xml b/doc/reference_processing.xml
index 7343169..560bfe2 100644
--- a/doc/reference_processing.xml
+++ b/doc/reference_processing.xml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sect1 id="Geometry_Processing">
- <sect1info>
- <abstract>
- <para>These functions compute geometric constructions,
- or alter geometry size or shape.
- </para>
- </abstract>
+ <sect1info>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>These functions compute geometric constructions,
+ or alter geometry size or shape.
+ </para>
+ </abstract>
<title>Geometry Processing</title>
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
-Returns a geometry covering all points within a given distance
-from a geometry.
+Returns a geometry covering all points within a given distance from a geometry.
@@ -876,158 +875,6 @@ SELECT d.disease_type,
- <refentry id="ST_CurveToLine">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>ST_CurveToLine</refname>
- <refpurpose>Converts a geometry containing curves to a linear geometry.</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <funcsynopsis>
- <funcprototype>
- <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_CurveToLine</function></funcdef>
- <paramdef><type>geometry</type> <parameter>curveGeom</parameter></paramdef>
- <paramdef><type>float</type> <parameter>tolerance</parameter></paramdef>
- <paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer</type> <parameter>tolerance_type</parameter></paramdef>
- <paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer</type> <parameter>flags</parameter></paramdef>
- </funcprototype>
- </funcsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Converts a CIRCULAR STRING to regular LINESTRING or CURVEPOLYGON to POLYGON or MULTISURFACE to MULTIPOLYGON. Useful for outputting to devices that can't support CIRCULARSTRING geometry types</para>
- <para>Converts a given geometry to a linear geometry.
- Each curved geometry or segment is converted into a linear
-approximation using the given `tolerance` and options (32 segments per
-quadrant and no options by default).</para>
- <para>
-The 'tolerance_type' argument determines interpretation of the
-`tolerance` argument. It can take the following values:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>0 (default): Tolerance is max segments per quadrant.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>1: Tolerance is max-deviation of line from curve, in source units.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>2: Tolerance is max-angle, in radians, between generating radii.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>
-The 'flags' argument is a bitfield. 0 by default.
-Supported bits are:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>1: Symmetric (orientation idependent) output.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>2: Retain angle, avoids reducing angles (segment lengths) when producing symmetric output. Has no effect when Symmetric flag is off.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>Availability: 1.3.0</para>
- <para>Enhanced: 2.4.0 added support for max-deviation and max-angle tolerance, and for symmetric output.</para>
- <para>Enhanced: 3.0.0 implemented a minimum number of segments per linearized arc to prevent topological collapse.</para>
- <para>&sfs_compliant;</para>
- <para>&sqlmm_compliant; SQL-MM 3: 7.1.7</para>
- <para>&Z_support;</para>
- <para>&curve_support;</para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting>SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CurveToLine(ST_GeomFromText('CIRCULARSTRING(220268 150415,220227 150505,220227 150406)')));
---Result --
- LINESTRING(220268 150415,220269.95064912 150416.539364228,220271.823415575 150418.17258804,220273.613787707 150419.895736857,
- 220275.317452352 150421.704659462,220276.930305234 150423.594998003,220278.448460847 150425.562198489,
- 220279.868261823 150427.60152176,220281.186287736 150429.708054909,220282.399363347 150431.876723113,
- 220283.50456625 150434.10230186,220284.499233914 150436.379429536,220285.380970099 150438.702620341,220286.147650624 150441.066277505,
- 220286.797428488 150443.464706771,220287.328738321 150445.892130112,220287.740300149 150448.342699654,
- 220288.031122486 150450.810511759,220288.200504713 150453.289621251,220288.248038775 150455.77405574,
- 220288.173610157 150458.257830005,220287.977398166 150460.734960415,220287.659875492 150463.199479347,
- 220287.221807076 150465.64544956,220286.664248262 150468.066978495,220285.988542259 150470.458232479,220285.196316903 150472.81345077,
- 220284.289480732 150475.126959442,220283.270218395 150477.39318505,220282.140985384 150479.606668057,
- 220280.90450212 150481.762075989,220279.5637474 150483.85421628,220278.12195122 150485.87804878,
- 220276.582586992 150487.828697901,220274.949363179 150489.701464356,220273.226214362 150491.491836488,
- 220271.417291757 150493.195501133,220269.526953216 150494.808354014,220267.559752731 150496.326509628,
- 220265.520429459 150497.746310603,220263.41389631 150499.064336517,220261.245228106 150500.277412127,
- 220259.019649359 150501.38261503,220256.742521683 150502.377282695,220254.419330878 150503.259018879,
- 220252.055673714 150504.025699404,220249.657244448 150504.675477269,220247.229821107 150505.206787101,
- 220244.779251566 150505.61834893,220242.311439461 150505.909171266,220239.832329968 150506.078553494,
- 220237.347895479 150506.126087555,220234.864121215 150506.051658938,220232.386990804 150505.855446946,
- 220229.922471872 150505.537924272,220227.47650166 150505.099855856,220225.054972724 150504.542297043,
- 220222.663718741 150503.86659104,220220.308500449 150503.074365683,
- 220217.994991777 150502.167529512,220215.72876617 150501.148267175,
- 220213.515283163 150500.019034164,220211.35987523 150498.7825509,
- 220209.267734939 150497.441796181,220207.243902439 150496,
- 220205.293253319 150494.460635772,220203.420486864 150492.82741196,220201.630114732 150491.104263143,
- 220199.926450087 150489.295340538,220198.313597205 150487.405001997,220196.795441592 150485.437801511,
- 220195.375640616 150483.39847824,220194.057614703 150481.291945091,220192.844539092 150479.123276887,220191.739336189 150476.89769814,
- 220190.744668525 150474.620570464,220189.86293234 150472.297379659,220189.096251815 150469.933722495,
- 220188.446473951 150467.535293229,220187.915164118 150465.107869888,220187.50360229 150462.657300346,
- 220187.212779953 150460.189488241,220187.043397726 150457.710378749,220186.995863664 150455.22594426,
- 220187.070292282 150452.742169995,220187.266504273 150450.265039585,220187.584026947 150447.800520653,
- 220188.022095363 150445.35455044,220188.579654177 150442.933021505,220189.25536018 150440.541767521,
- 220190.047585536 150438.18654923,220190.954421707 150435.873040558,220191.973684044 150433.60681495,
- 220193.102917055 150431.393331943,220194.339400319 150429.237924011,220195.680155039 150427.14578372,220197.12195122 150425.12195122,
- 220198.661315447 150423.171302099,220200.29453926 150421.298535644,220202.017688077 150419.508163512,220203.826610682 150417.804498867,
- 220205.716949223 150416.191645986,220207.684149708 150414.673490372,220209.72347298 150413.253689397,220211.830006129 150411.935663483,
- 220213.998674333 150410.722587873,220216.22425308 150409.61738497,220218.501380756 150408.622717305,220220.824571561 150407.740981121,
- 220223.188228725 150406.974300596,220225.586657991 150406.324522731,220227 150406)
---3d example
-SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_CurveToLine(ST_GeomFromEWKT('CIRCULARSTRING(220268 150415 1,220227 150505 2,220227 150406 3)')));
- LINESTRING(220268 150415 1,220269.95064912 150416.539364228 1.0181172856673,
- 220271.823415575 150418.17258804 1.03623457133459,220273.613787707 150419.895736857 1.05435185700189,....AD INFINITUM ....
- 220225.586657991 150406.324522731 1.32611114201132,220227 150406 3)
---use only 2 segments to approximate quarter circle
-SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CurveToLine(ST_GeomFromText('CIRCULARSTRING(220268 150415,220227 150505,220227 150406)'),2));
- LINESTRING(220268 150415,220287.740300149 150448.342699654,220278.12195122 150485.87804878,
- 220244.779251566 150505.61834893,220207.243902439 150496,220187.50360229 150462.657300346,
- 220197.12195122 150425.12195122,220227 150406)
--- Ensure approximated line is no further than 20 units away from
--- original curve, and make the result direction-neutral
-SELECT ST_AsText(ST_CurveToLine(
- 'CIRCULARSTRING(0 0,100 -100,200 0)'::geometry,
- 20, -- Tolerance
- 1, -- Above is max distance between curve and line
- 1 -- Symmetric flag
- LINESTRING(0 0,50 -86.6025403784438,150 -86.6025403784439,200 -1.1331077795296e-13,200 0)
- </programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
- <refsection>
- <title>See Also</title>
- <para><xref linkend="ST_LineToCurve" /></para>
- </refsection>
- </refentry>
<refentry id="ST_DelaunayTriangles">
@@ -1231,51 +1078,6 @@ FROM (SELECT ST_SetEffectiveArea('LINESTRING(5 2, 3 8, 6 20, 7 25, 10 10)'::geo
- <refentry id="ST_FlipCoordinates">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>ST_FlipCoordinates</refname>
- <refpurpose>Returns a version of a geometry with X and Y axis flipped. </refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <funcsynopsis>
- <funcprototype>
- <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_FlipCoordinates</function></funcdef>
- <paramdef><type>geometry</type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
- </funcprototype>
- </funcsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Returns a version of the given geometry with X and Y axis flipped.
- Useful for fixing geometries which contain coordinates expressed as latitude/longitude (Y,X).</para>
- <para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
- <para>&curve_support;</para>
- <para>&Z_support;</para>
- <para>&M_support;</para>
- <para>&P_support;</para>
- <para>&T_support;</para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Example</title>
- <programlisting><![CDATA[
-SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_FlipCoordinates(GeomFromEWKT('POINT(1 2)')));
- st_asewkt
-POINT(2 1)
- ]]></programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
- <refsection>
- <title>See Also</title>
- <para> <xref linkend="ST_SwapOrdinates" /> </para>
- </refsection>
- </refentry>
<refentry id="ST_GeneratePoints">
@@ -1498,194 +1300,6 @@ FROM test;
- <refentry id="ST_LineToCurve">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>ST_LineToCurve</refname>
- <refpurpose>Converts a linear geometry to a curved geometry.</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <funcsynopsis>
- <funcprototype>
- <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_LineToCurve</function></funcdef>
- <paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geomANoncircular</parameter></paramdef>
- </funcprototype>
- </funcsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Converts plain LINESTRING/POLYGON to CIRCULAR STRINGs and Curved Polygons. Note much fewer points are needed to describe the curved equivalent.</para>
- <note><para>If the input LINESTRING/POLYGON is not curved enough to clearly represent a curve, the function will return the same input geometry.</para></note>
- <para>Availability: 1.3.0</para>
- <para>&Z_support;</para>
- <para>&curve_support;</para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting> -- 2D Example
-SELECT ST_AsText(ST_LineToCurve(foo.the_geom)) As curvedastext,ST_AsText(foo.the_geom) As non_curvedastext
- FROM (SELECT ST_Buffer('POINT(1 3)'::geometry, 3) As the_geom) As foo;
-curvedatext non_curvedastext
-CURVEPOLYGON(CIRCULARSTRING(4 3,3.12132034355964 0.878679656440359, | POLYGON((4 3,3.94235584120969 2.41472903395162,3.77163859753386 1.85194970290473,
-1 0,-1.12132034355965 5.12132034355963,4 3)) | 3.49440883690764 1.33328930094119,3.12132034355964 0.878679656440359,
- | 2.66671069905881 0.505591163092366,2.14805029709527 0.228361402466141,
- | 1.58527096604839 0.0576441587903094,1 0,
- | 0.414729033951621 0.0576441587903077,-0.148050297095264 0.228361402466137,
- | -0.666710699058802 0.505591163092361,-1.12132034355964 0.878679656440353,
- | -1.49440883690763 1.33328930094119,-1.77163859753386 1.85194970290472
- | --ETC-- ,3.94235584120969 3.58527096604839,4 3))
---3D example
-SELECT ST_AsText(ST_LineToCurve(geom)) As curved, ST_AsText(geom) AS not_curved
-FROM (SELECT ST_Translate(ST_Force3D(ST_Boundary(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,3), 2,2))),0,0,3) AS geom) AS foo;
- curved | not_curved
- CIRCULARSTRING Z (3 3 3,-1 2.99999999999999 3,3 3 3) | LINESTRING Z (3 3 3,2.4142135623731 1.58578643762691 3,1 1 3,
- | -0.414213562373092 1.5857864376269 3,-1 2.99999999999999 3,
- | -0.414213562373101 4.41421356237309 3,
- | 0.999999999999991 5 3,2.41421356237309 4.4142135623731 3,3 3 3)
-(1 row)
- </refsection>
- <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
- <refsection>
- <title>See Also</title>
- <para><xref linkend="ST_CurveToLine" /></para>
- </refsection>
- </refentry>
- <refentry id="ST_MakeValid">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>ST_MakeValid</refname>
- <refpurpose>Attempts to make an invalid geometry valid without losing vertices.</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <funcsynopsis>
- <funcprototype>
- <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_MakeValid</function></funcdef>
- <paramdef><type>geometry</type> <parameter>input</parameter></paramdef>
- </funcprototype>
- </funcsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>
- The function attempts to create a valid representation of a given invalid
- geometry without losing any of the input vertices.
- Already-valid geometries are returned without further intervention.
- </para>
- <para>
- containing any mix of them.
- </para>
- <para>
- In case of full or partial dimensional collapses, the output geometry
- may be a collection of lower-to-equal dimension geometries or a
- geometry of lower dimension.
- </para>
- <para>
- Single polygons may become multi-geometries in case of self-intersections.
- </para>
- <para>Performed by the GEOS module.</para>
- <para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
- <para>Enhanced: 2.0.1, speed improvements</para>
- <para>Enhanced: 2.1.0, added support for GEOMETRYCOLLECTION and MULTIPOINT.</para>
- <para>&Z_support;</para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <informaltable>
- <tgroup cols="1">
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry><para><informalfigure>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata fileref="images/st_makevalid01.png" />
- </imageobject>
- <caption><para>before_geom: MULTIPOLYGON of 2 overlapping polygons</para></caption>
- </mediaobject>
- </informalfigure>
- <informalfigure>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata fileref="images/st_makevalid02.png" />
- </imageobject>
- <caption><para>after_geom: MULTIPOLYGON of 4 non-overlapping polygons</para>
- </caption>
- </mediaobject>
- </informalfigure>
- <programlisting>SELECT f.geom AS before_geom, ST_MakeValid( f.geom) AS after_geom
-FROM (SELECT 'MULTIPOLYGON(((186 194,187 194,188 195,189 195,190 195,
-191 195,192 195,193 194,194 194,194 193,195 192,195 191,
-195 190,195 189,195 188,194 187,194 186,14 6,13 6,12 5,11 5,
-10 5,9 5,8 5,7 6,6 6,6 7,5 8,5 9,5 10,5 11,5 12,6 13,6 14,186 194)),
-((150 90,149 80,146 71,142 62,135 55,128 48,119 44,110 41,100 40,
-90 41,81 44,72 48,65 55,58 62,54 71,51 80,50 90,51 100,
-54 109,58 118,65 125,72 132,81 136,90 139,100 140,110 139,
-119 136,128 132,135 125,142 118,146 109,149 100,150 90)))'::geometry AS geom) AS f;</programlisting>
- </para>
- </entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><para>
- <informalfigure>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject><imagedata fileref="images/st_makevalid03.png" /></imageobject>
- <caption><para>before_geom: MULTIPOLYGON of 6 overlapping polygons</para></caption>
- </mediaobject>
- </informalfigure>
- <informalfigure>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject><imagedata fileref="images/st_makevalid04.png" /></imageobject>
- <caption><para>after_geom: MULTIPOLYGON of 14 Non-overlapping polygons</para></caption>
- </mediaobject>
- </informalfigure>
- <programlisting>SELECT c.geom AS before_geom, ST_MakeValid(c.geom) AS after_geom
- FROM (SELECT 'MULTIPOLYGON(((91 50,79 22,51 10,23 22,11 50,23 78,51 90,79 78,91 50)),
- ((91 100,79 72,51 60,23 72,11 100,23 128,51 140,79 128,91 100)),
- ((91 150,79 122,51 110,23 122,11 150,23 178,51 190,79 178,91 150)),
- ((141 50,129 22,101 10,73 22,61 50,73 78,101 90,129 78,141 50)),
- ((141 100,129 72,101 60,73 72,61 100,73 128,101 140,129 128,141 100)),
- ((141 150,129 122,101 110,73 122,61 150,73 178,101 190,129 178,141 150)))'::geometry AS geom) AS c;</programlisting>
- </para></entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- <refsection>
- <title>See Also</title>
- <para>
- <xref linkend="ST_IsValid" />,
- <xref linkend="ST_Collect" />,
- <xref linkend="ST_CollectionExtract" />
- </para>
- </refsection>
- </refentry>
<refentry id="ST_MaximumInscribedCircle">
@@ -2377,46 +1991,6 @@ SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ReducePrecision('POINT(1.412 19.323)', 1.0));
- <refentry id="ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints</refname>
- <refpurpose>Returns a version of the given geometry with
- duplicated points removed.</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <funcsynopsis>
- <funcprototype>
- <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints</function></funcdef>
- <paramdef><type>geometry</type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
- <paramdef choice="opt"><type>float8</type> <parameter>tolerance</parameter></paramdef>
- </funcprototype>
- </funcsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Returns a version of the given geometry with
- duplicated points removed. Will actually do something only with
- (multi)lines, (multi)polygons and multipoints but you can safely call it with
- any kind of geometry. Since simplification occurs on a
- object-by-object basis you can also feed a GeometryCollection to
- this function.</para>
- <para>If the tolerance parameter is provided, vertices within the tolerance
- of one another will be considered the "same" for the purposes of removal.</para>
- <para>Availability: 2.2.0</para>
- <para>&P_support;</para>
- <para>&Z_support;</para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>See Also</title>
- <para><xref linkend="ST_Simplify" /></para>
- </refsection>
- </refentry>
<refentry id="ST_SharedPaths">
@@ -2518,134 +2092,6 @@ MULTILINESTRING((76 175,90 161),(90 161,101 150),(126 125,126 156.25)))
- <refentry id="ST_Shift_Longitude">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>ST_ShiftLongitude</refname>
- <refpurpose>Shifts a geometry with geographic coordinates between -180..180 and 0..360.</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <funcsynopsis>
- <funcprototype>
- <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_ShiftLongitude</function></funcdef>
- <paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geomA</parameter></paramdef>
- </funcprototype>
- </funcsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Reads every point/vertex in a geometry, and if the longitude coordinate is <0, adds 360
- to it. The result is a 0-360 version of the data to be
- plotted in a 180 centric map</para>
- <note><para>This is only useful for data with coordinates in
- longitude/latitude; e.g. SRID 4326 (WGS 84 geographic)</para></note>
- <warning>
- <para>Pre-1.3.4 bug prevented this from working for MULTIPOINT. 1.3.4+ works with MULTIPOINT as well.</para>
- </warning>
- <para>&Z_support;</para>
- <para>Enhanced: 2.0.0 support for Polyhedral surfaces and TIN was introduced.</para>
- <para>NOTE: this function was renamed from "ST_Shift_Longitude" in 2.2.0</para>
- <para>&P_support;</para>
- <para>&T_support;</para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting>--3d points
-SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_ShiftLongitude(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(-118.58 38.38 10)'))) As geomA,
- ST_AsEWKT(ST_ShiftLongitude(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(241.42 38.38 10)'))) As geomb
-geomA geomB
----------- -----------
-SRID=4326;POINT(241.42 38.38 10) SRID=4326;POINT(-118.58 38.38 10)
---regular line string
-SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ShiftLongitude(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(-118.58 38.38, -118.20 38.45)')))
-LINESTRING(241.42 38.38,241.8 38.45)
- </programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
- <refsection>
- <title>See Also</title>
- <para>
- <xref linkend="ST_WrapX" />
- </para>
- </refsection>
- </refentry>
- <refentry id="ST_WrapX">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>ST_WrapX</refname>
- <refpurpose>Wrap a geometry around an X value.</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <funcsynopsis>
- <funcprototype>
- <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_WrapX</function></funcdef>
- <paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
- <paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>wrap</parameter></paramdef>
- <paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>move</parameter></paramdef>
- </funcprototype>
- </funcsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>
-This function splits the input geometries and then moves every resulting
-component falling on the right (for negative 'move') or on the left (for
-positive 'move') of given 'wrap' line in the direction specified by the
-'move' parameter, finally re-unioning the pieces togheter.
- </para>
- <note><para>
-This is useful to "recenter" long-lat input to have features
-of interest not spawned from one side to the other.
- </para></note>
- <para>Availability: 2.3.0 requires GEOS</para>
- <para>&Z_support;</para>
-<!-- TODO: check these
- <para>&P_support;</para>
- <para>&T_support;</para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting>
--- Move all components of the given geometries whose bounding box
--- falls completely on the left of x=0 to +360
-select ST_WrapX(the_geom, 0, 360);
--- Move all components of the given geometries whose bounding box
--- falls completely on the left of x=-30 to +360
-select ST_WrapX(the_geom, -30, 360);
- </programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
- <refsection>
- <title>See Also</title>
- <para><xref linkend="ST_Shift_Longitude" /></para>
- </refsection>
- </refentry>
<refentry id="ST_Simplify">
diff --git a/doc/reference_validation.xml b/doc/reference_validation.xml
index 34d20f2..adc0d40 100644
--- a/doc/reference_validation.xml
+++ b/doc/reference_validation.xml
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
<para>These functions test whether geometries are valid according to
- the OGC SFS standard. They also provide information about
- the nature and location of invalidity.
+ the OGC SFS standard.
+ They also provide information about the nature and location of invalidity.
+ There is also a function to create a valid geometry out of an invalid one.
@@ -276,4 +277,123 @@ SELECT ST_IsValidReason('LINESTRING(220227 150406,2220227 150407,222020 150410)'
+ <refentry id="ST_MakeValid">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>ST_MakeValid</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Attempts to make an invalid geometry valid without losing vertices.</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <funcsynopsis>
+ <funcprototype>
+ <funcdef>geometry <function>ST_MakeValid</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef><type>geometry</type> <parameter>input</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcprototype>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ The function attempts to create a valid representation of a given invalid
+ geometry without losing any of the input vertices.
+ Already-valid geometries are returned without further intervention.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ containing any mix of them.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In case of full or partial dimensional collapses, the output geometry
+ may be a collection of lower-to-equal dimension geometries or a
+ geometry of lower dimension.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Single polygons may become multi-geometries in case of self-intersections.
+ </para>
+ <para>Performed by the GEOS module.</para>
+ <para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
+ <para>Enhanced: 2.0.1, speed improvements</para>
+ <para>Enhanced: 2.1.0, added support for GEOMETRYCOLLECTION and MULTIPOINT.</para>
+ <para>&Z_support;</para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <informaltable>
+ <tgroup cols="1">
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><para><informalfigure>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/st_makevalid01.png" />
+ </imageobject>
+ <caption><para>before_geom: MULTIPOLYGON of 2 overlapping polygons</para></caption>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </informalfigure>
+ <informalfigure>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/st_makevalid02.png" />
+ </imageobject>
+ <caption><para>after_geom: MULTIPOLYGON of 4 non-overlapping polygons</para>
+ </caption>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </informalfigure>
+ <programlisting>SELECT f.geom AS before_geom, ST_MakeValid( f.geom) AS after_geom
+FROM (SELECT 'MULTIPOLYGON(((186 194,187 194,188 195,189 195,190 195,
+191 195,192 195,193 194,194 194,194 193,195 192,195 191,
+195 190,195 189,195 188,194 187,194 186,14 6,13 6,12 5,11 5,
+10 5,9 5,8 5,7 6,6 6,6 7,5 8,5 9,5 10,5 11,5 12,6 13,6 14,186 194)),
+((150 90,149 80,146 71,142 62,135 55,128 48,119 44,110 41,100 40,
+90 41,81 44,72 48,65 55,58 62,54 71,51 80,50 90,51 100,
+54 109,58 118,65 125,72 132,81 136,90 139,100 140,110 139,
+119 136,128 132,135 125,142 118,146 109,149 100,150 90)))'::geometry AS geom) AS f;</programlisting>
+ </para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><para>
+ <informalfigure>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata fileref="images/st_makevalid03.png" /></imageobject>
+ <caption><para>before_geom: MULTIPOLYGON of 6 overlapping polygons</para></caption>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </informalfigure>
+ <informalfigure>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata fileref="images/st_makevalid04.png" /></imageobject>
+ <caption><para>after_geom: MULTIPOLYGON of 14 Non-overlapping polygons</para></caption>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </informalfigure>
+ <programlisting>SELECT c.geom AS before_geom, ST_MakeValid(c.geom) AS after_geom
+ FROM (SELECT 'MULTIPOLYGON(((91 50,79 22,51 10,23 22,11 50,23 78,51 90,79 78,91 50)),
+ ((91 100,79 72,51 60,23 72,11 100,23 128,51 140,79 128,91 100)),
+ ((91 150,79 122,51 110,23 122,11 150,23 178,51 190,79 178,91 150)),
+ ((141 50,129 22,101 10,73 22,61 50,73 78,101 90,129 78,141 50)),
+ ((141 100,129 72,101 60,73 72,61 100,73 128,101 140,129 128,141 100)),
+ ((141 150,129 122,101 110,73 122,61 150,73 178,101 190,129 178,141 150)))'::geometry AS geom) AS c;</programlisting>
+ </para></entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para>
+ <xref linkend="ST_IsValid" />,
+ <xref linkend="ST_Collect" />,
+ <xref linkend="ST_CollectionExtract" />
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ </refentry>
Summary of changes:
doc/reference_editor.xml | 440 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
doc/reference_processing.xml | 568 +------------------------------------------
doc/reference_validation.xml | 124 +++++++++-
3 files changed, 569 insertions(+), 563 deletions(-)
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