[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch master updated. 3.2.0-456-ga215ea1c2

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Wed Feb 2 10:09:50 PST 2022

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The branch, master has been updated
       via  a215ea1c209d01e57129561160246055b9853297 (commit)
      from  a8de642a310c58793b03f35aff6e58938a94fb78 (commit)

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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a215ea1c209d01e57129561160246055b9853297
Author: Martin Davis <mtnclimb at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Feb 2 10:09:46 2022 -0800

    Improve doc for measure functions

diff --git a/doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint01.wkt b/doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint01.wkt
index d60980425..e786d4bb0 100644
--- a/doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint01.wkt
+++ b/doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint01.wkt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-ArgA;POINT(100 100)
-ArgB;LINESTRING (20 80, 98 190, 110 180, 50 75 )
-Result;POINT(100 100)
-Result;POINT(73.0769230769231 115.384615384615)
+ArgA;POINT (160 40)
+ArgB;LINESTRING (10 30, 50 50, 30 110, 70 90, 180 140, 130 190)
+Result;POINT(160 40)
+Result;POINT(125.75342465753425 115.34246575342466)
diff --git a/doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint02.wkt b/doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint02.wkt
index 3a2041b72..3ffb77b66 100644
--- a/doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint02.wkt
+++ b/doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint02.wkt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-ArgA;POLYGON((175 150, 20 40, 50 60, 125 100, 175 150))
-ArgB;POLYGON((130 170,129.615705608065 166.098193559677,128.477590650226 162.346331352698,126.629392246051 158.888595339608,124.142135623731 155.857864376269,121.111404660392 153.370607753949,117.653668647302 151.522409349774,113.901806440323 150.384294391935,110 150,106.098193559677 150.384294391935,102.346331352698 151.522409349774,98.888595339608 153.370607753949,95.8578643762691 155.857864376269,93.3706077539491 158.888595339608,91.5224093497743 162.346331352698,90.3842943919354 166.098193559677,90 170,90.3842943919354 173.901806440323,91.5224093497742 177.653668647302,93.3706077539491 181.111404660392,95.857864376269 184.142135623731,98.8885953396079 186.629392246051,102.346331352698 188.477590650226,106.098193559677 189.615705608065,110 190,113.901806440323 189.615705608065,117.653668647302 188.477590650226,121.111404660392 186.629392246051,124.142135623731 184.142135623731,126.629392246051 181.111404660392,128.477590650226 177.653668647302,129.615705608065 173.901806440323,13
 0 170))
-Result;POINT(140.752120669087 125.695053378061)
+ArgA;POLYGON ((190 150, 20 10, 160 70, 190 150))
+ArgB;POLYGON((110 160,109.42355841209691 154.14729033951616,107.71638597533861 148.51949702904733,104.94408836907637 143.33289300941195,101.21320343559644 138.78679656440357,96.6671069905881 135.05591163092367,91.48050297095273 132.2836140246614,85.8527096604839 130.5764415879031,80.00000000000004 130,74.1472903395162 130.57644158790308,68.51949702904736 132.28361402466138,63.33289300941199 135.05591163092362,58.78679656440362 138.78679656440352,55.05591163092369 143.33289300941186,52.28361402466143 148.51949702904722,50.576441587903105 154.14729033951608,50 159.99999999999991,50.57644158790306 165.85270966048375,52.283614024661354 171.48050297095259,55.055911630923575 176.66710699058797,58.78679656440349 181.21320343559634,63.33289300941182 184.94408836907627,68.51949702904719 187.71638597533854,74.147290339516 189.4235584120969,79.99999999999986 190,85.8527096604837 189.42355841209695,91.48050297095256 187.71638597533865,96.66710699058792 184.94408836907644,101.21320343559631 181.
 21320343559654,104.94408836907625 176.66710699058822,107.71638597533854 171.48050297095287,109.42355841209687 165.85270966048404,110 160))
+Result;POINT(131.59149149528952 101.89887534906197)
diff --git a/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline01.wkt b/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline01.wkt
index 91cab2832..9c734bc40 100644
--- a/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline01.wkt
+++ b/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline01.wkt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-ArgA;POINT(100 100)
-ArgB;LINESTRING (20 80, 98 190, 110 180, 50 75 )
-Result;LINESTRING(100 100,98 190)
+ArgA;POINT (160 40)
+ArgB;LINESTRING (10 30, 50 50, 30 110, 70 90, 180 140, 130 190)
+Result;LINESTRING(160 40,130 190)
diff --git a/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline02.wkt b/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline02.wkt
index a417f7898..406f86171 100644
--- a/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline02.wkt
+++ b/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline02.wkt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-ArgA;POLYGON((175 150, 20 40, 50 60, 125 100, 175 150))
-ArgB;POLYGON((130 170,129.615705608065 166.098193559677,128.477590650226 162.346331352698,126.629392246051 158.888595339608,124.142135623731 155.857864376269,121.111404660392 153.370607753949,117.653668647302 151.522409349774,113.901806440323 150.384294391935,110 150,106.098193559677 150.384294391935,102.346331352698 151.522409349774,98.888595339608 153.370607753949,95.8578643762691 155.857864376269,93.3706077539491 158.888595339608,91.5224093497743 162.346331352698,90.3842943919354 166.098193559677,90 170,90.3842943919354 173.901806440323,91.5224093497742 177.653668647302,93.3706077539491 181.111404660392,95.857864376269 184.142135623731,98.8885953396079 186.629392246051,102.346331352698 188.477590650226,106.098193559677 189.615705608065,110 190,113.901806440323 189.615705608065,117.653668647302 188.477590650226,121.111404660392 186.629392246051,124.142135623731 184.142135623731,126.629392246051 181.111404660392,128.477590650226 177.653668647302,129.615705608065 173.901806440323,13
 0 170))
-Result;LINESTRING(20 40,121.111404660392 186.629392246051)
+ArgA;POLYGON ((190 150, 20 10, 160 70, 190 150))
+ArgB;POLYGON((110 160,109.42355841209691 154.14729033951616,107.71638597533861 148.51949702904733,104.94408836907637 143.33289300941195,101.21320343559644 138.78679656440357,96.6671069905881 135.05591163092367,91.48050297095273 132.2836140246614,85.8527096604839 130.5764415879031,80.00000000000004 130,74.1472903395162 130.57644158790308,68.51949702904736 132.28361402466138,63.33289300941199 135.05591163092362,58.78679656440362 138.78679656440352,55.05591163092369 143.33289300941186,52.28361402466143 148.51949702904722,50.576441587903105 154.14729033951608,50 159.99999999999991,50.57644158790306 165.85270966048375,52.283614024661354 171.48050297095259,55.055911630923575 176.66710699058797,58.78679656440349 181.21320343559634,63.33289300941182 184.94408836907627,68.51949702904719 187.71638597533854,74.147290339516 189.4235584120969,79.99999999999986 190,85.8527096604837 189.42355841209695,91.48050297095256 187.71638597533865,96.66710699058792 184.94408836907644,101.21320343559631 181.
 21320343559654,104.94408836907625 176.66710699058822,107.71638597533854 171.48050297095287,109.42355841209687 165.85270966048404,110 160))
+Result;LINESTRING(20 10,91.48050297095256 187.71638597533865)
diff --git a/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline03.wkt b/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline03.wkt
index af2df66ad..f0fce6f0c 100644
--- a/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline03.wkt
+++ b/doc/html/image_src/st_longestline03.wkt
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ArgA;GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((76 20.7142857142857,79 22,91 50,83.5 67.5,101 60,129 72,130.285714285714 75,141 50,129 22,101 10,76 20.7142857142857)),POLYGON((80.2857142857143 75,83.5 67.5,76 70.7142857142857,79 72,80.2857142857143 75)),POLYGON((83.5 82.5,80.2857142857143 75,79 78,76 79.2857142857143,83.5 82.5)),POLYGON((130.285714285714 75,129 78,101 90,83.5 82.5,91 100,83.5 117.5,101 110,129 122,130.285714285714 125,141 100,130.285714285714 75)),POLYGON((80.2857142857143 125,83.5 117.5,76 120.714285714286,79 122,80.2857142857143 125)),POLYGON((83.5 132.5,80.2857142857143 125,79 128,76 129.285714285714,83.5 132.5)),POLYGON((130.285714285714 125,129 128,101 140,83.5 132.5,91 150,79 178,76 179.285714285714,101 190,129 178,141 150,130.285714285714 125)),POLYGON((76 20.7142857142857,51 10,23 22,11 50,21.7142857142857 75,23 72,51 60,68.5 67.5,61 50,73 22,76 20.7142857142857)),POLYGON((76 70.7142857142857,68.5 67.5,71.7142857142857 75,73 72,76 70.7142857142857)),POLYGON((76 79.28571428
 57143,73 78,71.7142857142857 75,68.5 82.5,76 79.2857142857143)),POLYGON((68.5 82.5,51 90,23 78,21.7142857142857 75,11 100,21.7142857142857 125,23 122,51 110,68.5 117.5,61 100,68.5 82.5)),POLYGON((76 120.714285714286,68.5 117.5,71.7142857142857 125,73 122,76 120.714285714286)),POLYGON((76 129.285714285714,73 128,71.7142857142857 125,68.5 132.5,76 129.285714285714)),POLYGON((68.5 132.5,51 140,23 128,21.7142857142857 125,11 150,23 178,51 190,76 179.285714285714,73 178,61 150,68.5 132.5)))
-Result;LINESTRING(23 22,129 178)
+ArgA;POLYGON ((40 180, 110 160, 180 180, 180 120, 140 90, 160 40, 80 10, 70 40, 20 50, 40 180), (60 140, 99 77.5, 90 140, 60 140))
+Result;LINESTRING(20 50,180 180)
diff --git a/doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline01.wkt b/doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline01.wkt
index 4fdbf20ee..4df679744 100644
--- a/doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline01.wkt
+++ b/doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline01.wkt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-ArgA;POINT(100 100)
-ArgB;LINESTRING (20 80, 98 190, 110 180, 50 75 )
-Result;LINESTRING(100 100,73.0769230769231 115.384615384615)
+ArgA;POINT (160 40)
+ArgB;LINESTRING (10 30, 50 50, 30 110, 70 90, 180 140, 130 190)
+Result;LINESTRING(160 40,125.75342465753425 115.34246575342466)
diff --git a/doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline02.wkt b/doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline02.wkt
index b68bbd7e5..4aefa2806 100644
--- a/doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline02.wkt
+++ b/doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline02.wkt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-ArgA;POLYGON((175 150, 20 40, 50 60, 125 100, 175 150))
-ArgB;POLYGON((130 170,129.615705608065 166.098193559677,128.477590650226 162.346331352698,126.629392246051 158.888595339608,124.142135623731 155.857864376269,121.111404660392 153.370607753949,117.653668647302 151.522409349774,113.901806440323 150.384294391935,110 150,106.098193559677 150.384294391935,102.346331352698 151.522409349774,98.888595339608 153.370607753949,95.8578643762691 155.857864376269,93.3706077539491 158.888595339608,91.5224093497743 162.346331352698,90.3842943919354 166.098193559677,90 170,90.3842943919354 173.901806440323,91.5224093497742 177.653668647302,93.3706077539491 181.111404660392,95.857864376269 184.142135623731,98.8885953396079 186.629392246051,102.346331352698 188.477590650226,106.098193559677 189.615705608065,110 190,113.901806440323 189.615705608065,117.653668647302 188.477590650226,121.111404660392 186.629392246051,124.142135623731 184.142135623731,126.629392246051 181.111404660392,128.477590650226 177.653668647302,129.615705608065 173.901806440323,13
 0 170))
-Result;LINESTRING(140.752120669087 125.695053378061,121.111404660392 153.370607753949)
+ArgA;POLYGON ((190 150, 20 10, 160 70, 190 150))
+ArgB;POLYGON((110 160,109.42355841209691 154.14729033951616,107.71638597533861 148.51949702904733,104.94408836907637 143.33289300941195,101.21320343559644 138.78679656440357,96.6671069905881 135.05591163092367,91.48050297095273 132.2836140246614,85.8527096604839 130.5764415879031,80.00000000000004 130,74.1472903395162 130.57644158790308,68.51949702904736 132.28361402466138,63.33289300941199 135.05591163092362,58.78679656440362 138.78679656440352,55.05591163092369 143.33289300941186,52.28361402466143 148.51949702904722,50.576441587903105 154.14729033951608,50 159.99999999999991,50.57644158790306 165.85270966048375,52.283614024661354 171.48050297095259,55.055911630923575 176.66710699058797,58.78679656440349 181.21320343559634,63.33289300941182 184.94408836907627,68.51949702904719 187.71638597533854,74.147290339516 189.4235584120969,79.99999999999986 190,85.8527096604837 189.42355841209695,91.48050297095256 187.71638597533865,96.66710699058792 184.94408836907644,101.21320343559631 181.
 21320343559654,104.94408836907625 176.66710699058822,107.71638597533854 171.48050297095287,109.42355841209687 165.85270966048404,110 160))
+Result;LINESTRING(131.59149149528952 101.89887534906197,101.21320343559644 138.78679656440357)
diff --git a/doc/reference_measure.xml b/doc/reference_measure.xml
index 47024e94f..254c80d03 100644
--- a/doc/reference_measure.xml
+++ b/doc/reference_measure.xml
@@ -298,10 +298,10 @@ SELECT degrees( ST_Angle('LINESTRING(0 0, 0.3 0.7, 1 1)', 'LINESTRING(0 0, 0.2 0
 			<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_ClosestPoint</function></funcdef>
 			<paramdef><type>geometry </type>
-			<parameter>g1</parameter></paramdef>
+			<parameter>geom1</parameter></paramdef>
 			<paramdef><type>geometry </type>
-			<parameter>g2</parameter></paramdef>
+			<parameter>geom2</parameter></paramdef>
@@ -309,8 +309,9 @@ SELECT degrees( ST_Angle('LINESTRING(0 0, 0.3 0.7, 1 1)', 'LINESTRING(0 0, 0.2 0
-		<para>Returns the 2-dimensional point on g1 that is closest to g2.  This is the first point of
-			the shortest line.
+		<para>Returns the 2-dimensional point on <varname>geom1</varname> that is closest to <varname>geom2</varname>.
+        This is the first point of the shortest line between the geometries
+        (as computed by <xref linkend="ST_ShortestLine"/>).
 		<note><para>If you have a 3D Geometry, you may prefer to use <xref linkend="ST_3DClosestPoint" />.</para></note>
 		<para>Availability: 1.5.0</para>
@@ -324,19 +325,19 @@ SELECT degrees( ST_Angle('LINESTRING(0 0, 0.3 0.7, 1 1)', 'LINESTRING(0 0, 0.2 0
             <imagedata fileref="images/st_closestpoint01.png" />
-            <caption><para>Closest between point and linestring is the point itself, but closest
-                        point between a linestring and point is the point on line string that is closest.</para></caption>
+            <caption><para>The closest point for a Point and a LineString is the point itself.
+            The closest point for a LineString and a Point is a point on the line.</para></caption>
 SELECT ST_AsText( ST_ClosestPoint(pt,line)) AS cp_pt_line,
        ST_AsText( ST_ClosestPoint(line,pt)) AS cp_line_pt
-    FROM (SELECT 'POINT(100 100)'::geometry AS pt,
-                 'LINESTRING (20 80, 98 190, 110 180, 50 75 )'::geometry AS line ) AS t;
+    FROM (SELECT 'POINT (160 40)'::geometry AS pt,
+                 'LINESTRING (10 30, 50 50, 30 110, 70 90, 180 140, 130 190)'::geometry AS line ) AS t;
    cp_pt_line   |                cp_line_pt
- POINT(100 100) | POINT(73.0769230769231 115.384615384615)
+ POINT(160 40)  | POINT(125.75342465753425 115.34246575342466)
@@ -350,13 +351,10 @@ SELECT ST_AsText( ST_ClosestPoint(pt,line)) AS cp_pt_line,
 SELECT ST_AsText( ST_ClosestPoint(
-			'POLYGON((175 150, 20 40, 50 60, 125 100, 175 150))'::geometry,
-			ST_Buffer('POINT(110 170)'::geometry, 20) )
-		) As ptwkt;
-                  ptwkt
+		'POLYGON ((190 150, 20 10, 160 70, 190 150))',
+		ST_Buffer('POINT(80 160)', 30)	)) As ptwkt;
- POINT(140.752120669087 125.695053378061)
+ POINT(131.59149149528952 101.89887534906197)
@@ -365,7 +363,7 @@ SELECT ST_AsText( ST_ClosestPoint(
 		<title>See Also</title>
-		<para><xref linkend="ST_3DClosestPoint" />,<xref linkend="ST_Distance"/>, <xref linkend="ST_LongestLine"/>, <xref linkend="ST_ShortestLine"/>, <xref linkend="ST_MaxDistance"/></para>
+		<para><xref linkend="ST_3DClosestPoint" />, <xref linkend="ST_Distance"/>, <xref linkend="ST_LongestLine"/>, <xref linkend="ST_ShortestLine"/>, <xref linkend="ST_MaxDistance"/></para>
@@ -524,14 +522,12 @@ SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_3DClosestPoint(line,pt)) AS cp3d_line_pt,
-		<title>Basic Geometry Examples</title>
+		<title>Geometry Examples</title>
 		<para>Geometry example - units in planar degrees 4326 is WGS 84 long lat, units are degrees.</para>
 		<programlisting>SELECT ST_Distance(
-		'SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry,
-		'SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry
-	);
+    'SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry,
+    'SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry );
@@ -539,38 +535,30 @@ st_distance
 Although the value is off, nearby ones can be compared correctly,
 which makes it a good choice for algorithms like KNN or KMeans.</para>
 <programlisting>SELECT ST_Distance(
-			ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry, 3857),
-			ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry, 3857)
-		);
+    ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry, 3857),
+    ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry, 3857) );
 <para>Geometry example - units in meters (SRID: 3857 as above, but corrected by cos(lat) to account for distortion)</para>
 <programlisting>SELECT ST_Distance(
-			ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry, 3857),
-			ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry, 3857)
+    ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry, 3857),
+    ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry, 3857)
 		) * cosd(42.3521);
 <para>Geometry example - units in meters (SRID: 26986 Massachusetts state plane meters) (most accurate for Massachusetts)</para>
 <programlisting>SELECT ST_Distance(
-			ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry, 26986),
-			ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry, 26986)
-		);
+    ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry, 26986),
+    ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry, 26986) );
 <para>Geometry example - units in meters (SRID: 2163 US National Atlas Equal area) (least accurate) </para>
 <programlisting>SELECT ST_Distance(
-			ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry, 2163),
-			ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry, 2163)
-		);
+    ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry, 2163),
+    ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry, 2163) );
@@ -579,8 +567,8 @@ st_distance
 <para>Same as geometry example but note units in meters - use sphere for slightly faster and less accurate computation.</para>
 <programlisting>SELECT ST_Distance(gg1, gg2) As spheroid_dist, ST_Distance(gg1, gg2, false) As sphere_dist
-	'SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geography as gg1,
-	'SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geography as gg2
+    'SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geography as gg1,
+    'SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geography as gg2
 	) As foo  ;
   spheroid_dist   |   sphere_dist
@@ -1230,11 +1218,16 @@ CAST('SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]' As spheroid) As sph_m)  as foo
 		<para>Returns the 2-dimensional longest line between the points of two geometries.
+        The line returned starts on <varname>g1</varname> and ends on <varname>g2</varname>.
-		<para>The function returns the first longest line if more than one is found.
-		The line returned starts on g1 and ends on g2.
+		<para>The longest line always occurs between two vertices.
+        The function returns the first longest line if more than one is found.
 		The length of the line is equal to the distance returned by <xref linkend="ST_MaxDistance"/>.
+        <para>
+        If g1 and g2 are the same geometry, returns the line between the two vertices farthest apart in the geometry.
+        This is a diameter of the circle computed by <xref linkend="ST_MinimumBoundingCircle"/>
+        </para>
 		<para>Availability: 1.5.0</para>
@@ -1250,13 +1243,12 @@ CAST('SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]' As spheroid) As sph_m)  as foo
-SELECT ST_AsText( ST_LongestLine('POINT(100 100)'::geometry,
-		'LINESTRING (20 80, 98 190, 110 180, 50 75 )'::geometry)
-	) As lline;
-   lline
+SELECT ST_AsText( ST_LongestLine(
+        'POINT (160 40)',
+        'LINESTRING (10 30, 50 50, 30 110, 70 90, 180 140, 130 190)' )
+	) AS lline;
-LINESTRING(100 100,98 190)
+LINESTRING(160 40,130 190)
@@ -1271,15 +1263,11 @@ LINESTRING(100 100,98 190)
 SELECT ST_AsText( ST_LongestLine(
-		ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((175 150, 20 40,
-			50 60, 125 100, 175 150))'),
-		ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(110 170)'), 20)
-		)
-	) As llinewkt;
-   lline
+        'POLYGON ((190 150, 20 10, 160 70, 190 150))',
+        ST_Buffer('POINT(80 160)', 30)
+            ) ) AS llinewkt;
-LINESTRING(20 40,121.111404660392 186.629392246051)
+LINESTRING(20 10,105.3073372946034 186.95518130045156)
@@ -1288,25 +1276,21 @@ LINESTRING(20 40,121.111404660392 186.629392246051)
             <imagedata fileref="images/st_longestline03.png" />
-            <caption><para>Longest straight distance to travel from one part of a city to another.
-            Note that the maximum distance is equal to the length of the line.</para></caption>
+            <caption><para>Longest line across a single geometry.
+            The length of the line is equal to the Maximum Distance.
+            The line is a diameter of the Minimum Bounding Circle.</para></caption>
-SELECT ST_AsText( ST_LongestLine(c.geom, c.geom)) AS llinewkt,
-       ST_MaxDistance( c.geom,c.geom) AS max_dist,
-       ST_Length( ST_LongestLine(c.geom, c.geom)) AS lenll
-FROM (SELECT ST_MakeValid( ST_Collect(geom)) AS geom
-      FROM (SELECT ST_Translate( ST_SnapToGrid(
-                ST_Buffer(
-                    ST_Point(50 ,generate_series(50,190, 50)),
-                    40, 'quad_segs=2'),1), x, 0) AS geom
-            FROM generate_series(1,100,50) As x) AS foo
-      ) AS c;
-          llinewkt          |     max_dist     |      lenll
- LINESTRING(23 22,129 178) | 188.605408193933 | 188.605408193933
+SELECT ST_AsText( ST_LongestLine( geom, geom)) AS llinewkt,
+                  ST_MaxDistance( geom, geom) AS max_dist,
+                  ST_Length( ST_LongestLine(geom, geom)) AS lenll
+FROM (SELECT 'POLYGON ((40 180, 110 160, 180 180, 180 120, 140 90, 160 40, 80 10, 70 40, 20 50, 40 180),
+              (60 140, 99 77.5, 90 140, 60 140))'::geometry AS geom) AS t;
+         llinewkt          |      max_dist      |       lenll
+ LINESTRING(20 50,180 180) | 206.15528128088303 | 206.15528128088303
@@ -1314,7 +1298,8 @@ FROM (SELECT ST_MakeValid( ST_Collect(geom)) AS geom
 		<title>See Also</title>
-		<para><xref linkend="ST_MaxDistance"/>, <xref linkend="ST_MakeValid"/>, <xref linkend="ST_ShortestLine"/>, <xref linkend="ST_3DLongestLine"/></para>
+		<para><xref linkend="ST_MaxDistance"/>, <xref linkend="ST_ShortestLine"/>,
+        <xref linkend="ST_3DLongestLine"/>, <xref linkend="ST_MinimumBoundingCircle"/></para>
@@ -1453,22 +1438,19 @@ SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_3DLongestLine(line,pt)) AS lol3d_line_pt,
      <para>Maximum distance between a point and lines.</para>
-		<programlisting>postgis=# SELECT ST_MaxDistance('POINT(0 0)'::geometry, 'LINESTRING ( 2 0, 0 2 )'::geometry);
-   st_maxdistance
+		<programlisting>SELECT ST_MaxDistance('POINT(0 0)'::geometry, 'LINESTRING ( 2 0, 0 2 )'::geometry);
-postgis=# SELECT ST_MaxDistance('POINT(0 0)'::geometry, 'LINESTRING ( 2 2, 2 2 )'::geometry);
-  st_maxdistance
+SELECT ST_MaxDistance('POINT(0 0)'::geometry, 'LINESTRING ( 2 2, 2 2 )'::geometry);
-     <para>Maximum distance between vertices of a geometry.</para>
+     <para>Maximum distance between vertices of a single geometry.</para>
 SELECT ST_MaxDistance('POLYGON ((10 10, 10 0, 0 0, 10 10))'::geometry,
                       'POLYGON ((10 10, 10 0, 0 0, 10 10))'::geometry);
-  st_maxdistance
@@ -1640,10 +1622,8 @@ SELECT ST_MinimumClearance('POLYGON ((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0.5 3.2e-4, 0 0))');
 			<funcdef>Geometry <function>ST_MinimumClearanceLine</function></funcdef>
-			<paramdef><type>geometry </type>
-			<parameter>g</parameter></paramdef>
+			    <paramdef><type>geometry </type>
+			    <parameter>g</parameter></paramdef>
@@ -1652,19 +1632,18 @@ SELECT ST_MinimumClearance('POLYGON ((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0.5 3.2e-4, 0 0))');
-			Returns the two-point LineString spanning a geometry's minimum clearance.  If the geometry does not have a minimum
-			clearance, <varname>LINESTRING EMPTY</varname> will be returned.
+		Returns the two-point LineString spanning a geometry's minimum clearance.
+        If the geometry does not have a minimum
+		clearance, <varname>LINESTRING EMPTY</varname> is returned.
 		<para>Performed by the GEOS module.</para>
 		<para>Availability: 2.3.0 - requires GEOS >= 3.6.0</para>
 SELECT ST_AsText(ST_MinimumClearanceLine('POLYGON ((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0.5 3.2e-4, 0 0))'));
 LINESTRING(0.5 0.00032,0.5 0)
@@ -1672,12 +1651,8 @@ LINESTRING(0.5 0.00032,0.5 0)
 		<title>See Also</title>
-		<para>
-			<xref linkend="ST_MinimumClearance" />
-		</para>
+		<para><xref linkend="ST_MinimumClearance" /></para>
 	<refentry id="ST_Perimeter">
@@ -1911,13 +1886,11 @@ FROM ST_GeogFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((-71.1044543107478 42.340674480411,-71.10445
 			<title>Example: Projected point at 100,000 meters and bearing 45 degrees </title>
-			<programlisting>SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Project('POINT(0 0)'::geography, 100000, radians(45.0)));
-                 st_astext
+SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Project('POINT(0 0)'::geography, 100000, radians(45.0)));
  POINT(0.635231029125537 0.639472334729198)
-(1 row)
-      </programlisting>
@@ -1941,10 +1914,10 @@ FROM ST_GeogFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((-71.1044543107478 42.340674480411,-71.10445
 			<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_ShortestLine</function></funcdef>
 			<paramdef><type>geometry </type>
-			<parameter>g1</parameter></paramdef>
+			<parameter>geom1</parameter></paramdef>
 			<paramdef><type>geometry </type>
-			<parameter>g2</parameter></paramdef>
+			<parameter>geom2</parameter></paramdef>
@@ -1952,14 +1925,11 @@ FROM ST_GeogFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((-71.1044543107478 42.340674480411,-71.10445
-		<para>Returns the 2-dimensional shortest line between two geometries. The function will
-		only return the first shortest line if more than one, that the function finds.
-		If g1 and g2 intersects in just one point the function will return a line with both start
-		and end in that intersection-point.
-		If g1 and g2 are intersecting with more than one point the function will return a line with start
-		and end in the same point but it can be any of the intersecting points.
-		The line returned will always start in g1 and end in g2.
-		The length of the line this function returns will always be the same as ST_Distance returns for g1 and g2.
+		<para>Returns the 2-dimensional shortest line between two geometries.
+		The line returned starts in <varname>geom1</varname> and ends in <varname>geom2</varname>.
+		If <varname>geom1</varname> and <varname>geom2</varname> intersect
+        the result is a line with start and end at an intersection point.
+		The length of the line is the same as <xref linkend="ST_Distance"/> returns for g1 and g2.
 		<para>Availability: 1.5.0</para>
@@ -1972,19 +1942,16 @@ FROM ST_GeogFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((-71.1044543107478 42.340674480411,-71.10445
                 <imagedata fileref="images/st_shortestline01.png" />
-                <caption><para>Shortest line between point and linestring</para></caption>
+                <caption><para>Shortest line between Point and LineString</para></caption>
-	ST_ShortestLine('POINT(100 100)'::geometry,
-		'LINESTRING (20 80, 98 190, 110 180, 50 75 )'::geometry)
+SELECT ST_AsText(  ST_ShortestLine(
+        'POINT (160 40)',
+        'LINESTRING (10 30, 50 50, 30 110, 70 90, 180 140, 130 190)')
 	) As sline;
-   sline
-LINESTRING(100 100,73.0769230769231 115.384615384615)
+ LINESTRING(160 40,125.75342465753425 115.34246575342466)
@@ -1993,18 +1960,16 @@ LINESTRING(100 100,73.0769230769231 115.384615384615)
                 <imagedata fileref="images/st_shortestline02.png" />
-                <caption><para>Shortest line between two polygons</para></caption>
+                <caption><para>Shortest line between Polygons</para></caption>
-		ST_ShortestLine(
-			ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((175 150, 20 40, 50 60, 125 100, 175 150))'),
-			ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(110 170)'), 20)
-			)
-		) As slinewkt;
- LINESTRING(140.752120669087 125.695053378061,121.111404660392 153.370607753949)
+SELECT ST_AsText( ST_ShortestLine(
+         'POLYGON ((190 150, 20 10, 160 70, 190 150))',
+         ST_Buffer('POINT(80 160)', 30)
+              ) ) AS llinewkt;
+LINESTRING(131.59149149528952 101.89887534906197,101.21320343559644 138.78679656440357)


Summary of changes:
 doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint01.wkt |   8 +-
 doc/html/image_src/st_closestpoint02.wkt |   6 +-
 doc/html/image_src/st_longestline01.wkt  |   6 +-
 doc/html/image_src/st_longestline02.wkt  |   6 +-
 doc/html/image_src/st_longestline03.wkt  |   4 +-
 doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline01.wkt |   6 +-
 doc/html/image_src/st_shortestline02.wkt |   6 +-
 doc/reference_measure.xml                | 213 +++++++++++++------------------
 8 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)


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